Ya know what’s scary? They’re playing horrible and arnt fully healthy and still 3-0

Ya know what’s scary? They’re playing horrible and arnt fully healthy and still 3-0

  1. I wouldn’t say they’re playing “awful” personally. Not up to their potential? Sure. Give it a few weeks to come together.

  2. After watching the first drive of the season where we scored with a handful of plays and under 2 & a half minutes, I thought we were gonna be lighting up the scoreboard all year long. We’ve had flashes of that drive since, but honestly, I think Pat is still trying to sync with our WRs. Some balls -caught or not- have just been underthrown, plus mix in the trouble Kingsley had last week and shit just isn’t fine-tuned yet. Playcalling has been ok, but could probably be better too. We need to utilize our speed more often, get some play action, hit teams with some bootlegs, get Pat rolling out of the pocket with his receivers.

  3. Remember last year when no one could catch a ball for the first 6 games? We’ll be in great shape down the stretch.

  4. We are like an eight cylinder engine running with five of our spark plug wires disconnected. The engine will still turn over, and can even drag us uphill, but it lurches along with an unnatural, ugly, Frankenstein’s monster kind of shamble.

  5. Last season around week 14 I was pretty certain we weren’t going to survive the first round of playoffs and thought we should be going for a better draft position. Turns out I’m an idiot and don’t understand football at all.

    So I’m going to just relax, watch more wins than losses but some losses, and trust the team to go as far as they can.

  6. Man I dunno, this is the same shit we said last year when we started 6-1. 

    Obviously I’d rather be 3-0 and underperforming than 0-3 and playing well, but it’s concerning that the offense is still sputtering even with Rice improving, the addition of Worthy, better play from Jawaan, and not having to throw to MVS, Toney, or Skyy anymore. It’s weird how uninvolved our tight ends are. It’s weird how poorly Patrick is playing. It’s not exactly nothing.

  7. Pat isn’t looking good, but he’ll get it together. An early season slump where we still beat good teams isn’t exactly alarms going off though, especially after how ugly last season looked. I could care less how pretty the numbers are as long as we’re winning playoff games at the end.

  8. Is it just me or did they seem a lot worse this time last year? I’m not worried even a little bit.

  9. We looked like dog crap most of last season as well. But we made the playoffs and won the Superbowl. I’m not worried at all. It’s a new year, let’s keep rolling. One game at a time.

  10. TBH it’s embarrassing, and I’m not ashamed to say that we deserve better as fans. This team is in a 9 month Superbowl drought, which itself came after an even more embarrassing 12 month drought.

    We. Deserve. Better.

    #Fire Andy.
    #Bench Mahomes.

  11. The funny thing is the problems seem far more fixable than last year.

    Literally, the biggest fix being Mahomes just going back to being Mahomes. Once he realizes he doesn’t need to force the ball anymore, things are gonna start clicking fast.

    Hell, the receivers aren’t bad. There’s so many compilations of times Kelce, Rashee, and Worthy have just been wide tf open.

    It’s literally just Patrick is in a funk. But he’ll figure it out, he always does. Give it time.

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