

  1. Back when it was him, Prince, Lucroy, Weeks, Hart…, that was a team.

    Sucks that things had to go down the way they did with Braun, but he’s still one of my all-time favorite players.

  2. Hey, aren’t we just supposed to forget it ever happened & bask in his greatness? I mean, it’s somehow working for A-Rod.

  3. The handling of it was always far worse than actually doing it to begin with. Maybe a little different for him given he had just won MVP and he was a high-profile player but many other guys that got nailed just took responsibility and their suspension and people don’t care anymore

    also, the effect of him not using any PEDs after his suspension became evident quickly, and it wasn’t that he lost power or became a significantly worse hitter or anything like that, it was the sudden cropping up of chronic injuries needing management (imo)

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