How do we feel about this?

From the Braves’ organist yesterday.

  1. I also heard “Windy” for Vientos, “Theme to Andy Griffith Show” for Taylor and “If you’re going to San Francisco” for Alvarez.

  2. I heard happy days and Andy Griffith pretty close to each other and couldn’t figure out if it was 50s night or something

  3. Braves organist is one of the best parts about games in ATL, even as an opposing fan. I love the creativity and deep cuts/clues he does.

    I think 2 years ago he played Stash by Phish for Nimmo (and has also done Under the Sea…Finding Nemo references).

  4. The Braves’ organist is extremely clever. I love it. GK (no R unfortunately) seemed into it too.

    Maybe unrelated, but Nimmo fouled a ball off and they played the seagulls from Finding Nemo “Mine mine mine mine mine…”. Do they do that for everyone, or specifically Nimmo because of his name?

  5. This is why i love baseball, its the ways of the little things and how you have fun with them. Fair play.

  6. Back before Jeff McNeil was injured the organist would play the “Rocky the Flying Squirrel” theme which ties in with Jeff’s nickname

  7. I’m convinced Pete lost his mojo at the plate once he went from hip-hop (Biggie was his walk up music for a while) to country-ish songs.

  8. For my personal enjoyment I would’ve went with “You Suffer” by Napalm Death for Nimmo for his short sprints during a walk and also for the song being, well, short.

  9. When I heard Dock of the Bay I thought he was just playing a Georgia-y song, can someone tell me why he paired it with Alvarez?

  10. Heartbreak Hotel for when they break your heart like every year, fold and miss the playoffs again.

  11. As someone who used to live in ATL and would go to the Mets game, their organist is great and it always made us chuckle when we could connect why he was playing what he did for each player

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