Somewhere out there, there is a MUCH worse timeline out there for the panthers

Can you imagine

  1. I mean, we’d be pretty much guaranteed to be getting a new owner right now if Diddy bought the team over Tepper.

  2. Can we imagine having an owner who’s secretly a total creep, and may even be harassing his own employees?!? Why yes, we fucking can!

  3. Hot take but Tepper gets to much hate. Fans act like he is actively trying to sabotage the franchise when that’s just pointless and a waste of money from his perspective. No owner is purposely trying to fuck the fans over. He is by no means a good owner, and honestly he’s quite terrible but for different reasons than other team owners. At least he tries and shows effort like pouring money into what he thinks are the right coaches. He’s just really bad at hiring personnel. He’s not the careless ass everyone makes him out to be.

  4. Diddy did not have the funds to purchase the Panthers.

    His net worth which was most likely overexaggerate at a time was around $800 million. The Panthers sold for around 2.3 billion dollars. he would need to own 35% to be the majority owner. That alone is around 800 million and they won’t allow you to be cash poor

    This was always just talk, NFL team ownership is a billionaire game

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