We’ve seen this before. This is following the blueprint from 2005-2010.

Some really really good players on both sides of the ball. Letting them walk over paying them.

A glimpse of how great the team could be with injuries coming at very inopportune times.

Ownership content with a mediocre coaching staff.

Nothing the ownership is doing is convincing me they are not going to do the same thing.

  1. Right, but if Palmer doesn’t get hurt they may have rolled through the playoffs. Same with Dalton in 2015. Seems to be an okay blueprint if the QB can stay healthy.

  2. It’s because when you have great players. The championship window is their rookie deals. That’s the window. Because this franchise can’t build around multiple max contract players. Joe Burrow will likely win a ring late in his career on another team.

  3. I wonder who is gonna be our “omg we signed Terrell Owens, this team is gonna be unstoppable!” This time

  4. Eh, sort of… The 2005-2010 Bengals were a masterclass in how character matters. It was redemption malcontent after low character talent on those rosters. Mike Brown couldn’t get enough of head cases no one else wanted. Those guys were a crap team, and folded at every adversity.

    Katie still hasn’t shed the shackles of bean counting, and Zac Taylor has really hit a ceiling with his coaching, but the team has the backbone to get up when they get knocked down. Joe can lead like no one else this franchise has ever had, and I trust the others not to shrink at the adversity.

    Everything has its limits, but 2005-2010 was an advoidable, foreseeable tragic disaster of the literary sense. This team is different. It may fail, but it won’t be because it burned itself to the ground.

  5. I was thinking to myself that this year is repeating Palmers last season on the “T-Ocho” year. We started the year with a “super bowl or bust” banner at Camp and there was hype a plenty. I remember the Enquirer having a Batmobile on the field.

    Once we started the season we kept losing close games week after week with random things going wrong. At the end of the season Mike Brown gave Marvin a contract extension, Palmer quit the team and I started joking with my friends that I was going to become a Steelers fan because I was sick of the BS.

  6. Such a great team. So may playoff wins and appearances those years

    And in 2008 and 2010 we had 4 wins! That might be more than this year!

  7. Interesting (and terrifying) take, but neither of those previous eras won any playoff games. Dalton you felt could never get over the hump. Palmer definitely would’ve if not for the injury. Burrow’s already overcome his injury.

  8. I love how no one is bring up the two worst offenses this season have either a Zach Taylor or Press Taylor calling plays

  9. Everyone who brings up letting players walk never has an answer for who on the current team that would cut. Bates is a 22 million dollar cap hit, reader is 12.2 million. Who are we getting rid of to make 34 million in cap space?

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