Full details on the Red Sox Offseason PLANS, Trades, Signings and more! The Red Sox 2024 Season is officially OVER!!
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Today we are breaking down the latest Red Sox NEWs, that included the Red Sox officially being eliminated from the 2024 MLB Playoffs. We take a look at who is to BLAME for another Red Sox FAILURE, what this means for the Boston Red Sox, and what the Red Sox NEED to do to be better next year. We look at Red Sox SIGNINGS, Red Sox TRADES, Red Sox Owners, and more for the 2025 Red Sox offseason.

  1. Once we figure out the profitability of the 24 club, we'll have a better idea of what the future payroll might look like. They drew well at the gate. As long as that continues, $ may be restricted . As long as this is a cash cow, investing additional money ………..fill in the blank.

  2. Agree with everything you shared with us. I'm keeping my expectations this off season low so maybe i can be shocked instead of the hollow feeling this ownership has been giving the past three years. Hope Breslow gets to work out getting new faces but it all boils down to FSG in the end and that's a BIG ?????

  3. So with 3 games left, bring up the healthy kids, Anthony, Teel, and Campbell. Give the fans a chance to see what 25 could be like. At least it's something to excite fans now that they are done from the race. In terms of plans for next year, I think the Sox will only bring back 1 FA, Martin. He has already said next year will be his last so it would only be a 1 year contract and he will not require a lot to sign here. The rest are either going to ask for more than what the Sox are willing to pay, or not worth bringing back. Your wish for the Sox to keep their plans for the off season to themselves may have already gone out the window. I saw something about them planning to trade a few of the Left-handed Outfielders and infielders to make room for the kids coming up. The names Abreu, Duran, Hamilton were brought up. They really should not say anything at all because once you tell people what you want to do, other teams now are going to try to take advantage of the trades, knowing we have to make certain moves in order to accomplish what they need to. So getting a decent young pitcher may now cost a few extra top prospects than it would have if they said nothing at all. They do need to also do something with the hitting coach (based on how often they strikeout) and whoever is in charge of defense, 3rd year in a row they have gotten worse, rather than better. That one is going to be very interesting to see how they fix it.

  4. 🔥 video bc everything you said is 100% so true, and we only had “this good” of a season bc of breakout stars like Duran and Houck help carry this team in ways no one really saw coming. Unique offseason because it’s going to be a long long time before we have a farm system this deep and this good especially at the top again. The time to really invest is NOW, but the confidence we will just isn’t there and that’s so disappointing

  5. They play just .500 baseball after the break gets them in the playoffs, that’s really hard to accept…it’s the second half collapses are eating away at me personally. I can’t see them extending anyone off that free agent list

  6. On the field the strikeouts and errors have to get under control. There's no way and no reason we should be nearly leading the league in either of these categories. That, to me, should be the focus, as well as the back half of the season. There was a serious fall off after the All-Star break. The pitching was competing well before then and then it seems like the team imploded. As far as off the field goes, I believe there's an aura around this team that smells of defeat. It may be the lack of willingness to spend on players and surround the "stars" with other talent. Maybe that's giving off the loser vibes, idk? Also, that may be why we aren't drawing any big market talent. Perhaps it has something to do with all the injuries too? It just seems like there aren't too many in that clubhouse the genuinely want to play here and it's a shame.

  7. Corbin … I totally agree with you that ownership and upper management should refrain from making any further media comments that will come back to haunt them … "Full throttle," "selling the Fenway Park experience," and "a commitment to winning" are the type of quotes that are only going to infuriate "Red Sox Nation" … It's John Henry's money and he has all the power with it in having the final say … Better for the Red Sox to now simply keep their mouths shut and do what they are going to do …

  8. I liked the offensive core this year! We did excellent and we can only get stronger. Gas tanks were tapped at the end.. but if we bring some steady or half way decent starting pitchers we have chances of the playoffs

    Keep T.O get rid of the rest

  9. Totally agree with your analysis, Corbin. Think it’s time for Henry to move out and get someone that will be looking out for the best interest of the franchise. Will be curious to see what Breslow does in the off season, also. Only thing to really look forward to the last three games is when they honor Joe Castiglione on Sunday, which is well deserved.

  10. This just seems annual at this point and should be expected for the next decade when John Henry is alive. It will come with heart attacks,hope for 1 month and then after just sadness and the feeling of what’s the point of liking the sport. That’s what it’s like to be a Red Sox fan

  11. Agree on Casas and Houck extensions. For me I would not sign any of the Sox free agents… possible exception is Martin… but age and health. Would rather see a Tanner Scott or others of that caliber for the pen. I want to see what Breslow does with trades.

  12. Would like to see Anthony make a brief appearance but that probably won’t happen for boring money reasons. Fatse’s gotta go, get someone who can help Abreu with southpaws and can try and get Rafaela to actually walk once in a while. Grissom didn’t look too bad back up in the majors, definitely worth giving him another shot in the infield. Sogard was criminally underused, he should absolutely get more time (if there’s one legitimate criticism I of Cora thats not “team lose manager bad” it’s not starting Sogard more). Obviously Fitts didn’t keep it together last night but I think he’s got potential as a great back of rotation guy, absolutely should still be on the team in 25.

    It’s not all bad. I’m just worried about a repeat of last year, where Breslow talks about really investing and we get very little (we did get fitts for verdugo, and to be honest I’d say even donating Verdugo to the Yankees and asking for no recompense out of the kindness of our hearts would’ve been a good trade so weissert, fitts, and the other prospect are a nice bonus)

    Here’s hoping he can pry John Henry’s wallet open and not deal away any more Cy Youngs.

    EDIT: oh and make Devers DH already Jesus Christ

  13. I'm sure they have a plan. I just don't want to hear anymore "full throttle" BS. Ownership lost all credibility after saying that and then failing to make the playoffs. All said and done with 2024, I am very optimistic for 2025 because of the rookie crop. This is the perfect time to add the right ingredients to reach the next level and become a perennial playoff team. I just hope ownership doesn't blow it.

  14. I think we are following in the Baltimores shoes. They had a couple years where they started out strong but ran out of gas. The Red Sox need to expect it again next year and prepare for it. I would not mind if the Red Sox brought back any of the relievers. if they feel they could help next year. Martin in particular. I would not sign either Privetta or O'Neil to a long term deal but I would give them both a QO.

    I am all for signing some of the young players to long term contracts, especially Casas and House. Casas may be more for it after this year because of his injury.

    I like Breslows moves better than Bloom. I think Bloom was too afraid to trade prospects. I think the studs coming up should all stay.

    If they do go the free agent route, they should target players like Seth Lugo instead of the top of the line plays who are going to cost 30 mil. Look at Giolito, That was a waste of 20 million.

    I also believe the Sox need to replace their hitting coach. Too many strike outs. I actually think they need 2 hitting coaches. One for each style. or maybe a lefty and righty.

    When all said and done. The Red Sox were only 10 million under the luxury tax threshold. That is not bad. As a business owner, I would hate to have the people who work for me spend money for the sake of spending money.

    I look back in the year and I am ok with it. That did much better than expected at the beginning of the season. I would have prefered they made the playoffs.

  15. I'm hoping (praying) for a different off-season then the past three years… We have talent on board and coming up, WE NEED A STUD LEFT HANDED Starter.., Either spend the money or trade and get one… Work on the bullpen and we will be set… In the words of NIKE, JUST DO IT! Love your show Corbin…

  16. The things I think need to be fixed with the Red Sox… Bullpen….. I think sign Martin and Kenley needs to go Also the whole bullpen needs revamping where they go is up to front office, Don't sign " cheap" or players that teams don't want bc they r under preforming. I say DEF sign O'neil They to say goodbye to Pavetta and get a quality starter to back up Tanner and Liam ( if he comes back strong w/out injuring himself again) Trade Jansen and find a better back up catcher Just a few things on my mind as we go into the off season. this is just an opinion I'm not looking to start an argument LOVE THE SOX been a fan since 1976

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