[Michael DiRocco] The Jaguars are the only team that hasn’t forced a turnover this season. Not only that, but this is the furthest the team has gone into a season without forcing one in franchise history. Previous worst was 2019, when Jags didn’t get a TO until the third game.

[Michael DiRocco] The Jaguars are the only team that hasn’t forced a turnover this season. Not only that, but this is the furthest the team has gone into a season without forcing one in franchise history. Previous worst was 2019, when Jags didn’t get a TO until the third game.

  1. Jags are looking bad but turnovers are so variable I don’t think the second stat is particularly meaningful.

  2. Yeah pass rush sucks and so do the corners. If Josh Hines Allen isn’t going up against a third string tackle he can’t do anything.

  3. Remember that time the Browns fumbled on the 2 yard line and the ball bounced straight back up into the RB’s arms. Classic. 

  4. I thought Nielson looked amazing after the first game based off of how they controlled healthy Miami. Since then it’s been terrible and I know our DBs are hurt but the pass rush is disgusting

  5. Our coaches really screwed over the team.

    This is their job, and they seem like the worst coaches in the league. 

    Our Oline coach is happy he can’t do his job.  He put his failure on a tshirt as a joke.

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