How Craig Breslow Will Look To Improve Red Sox Over Offseason

Just more propaganda. Anyone with half a brain knows that JH isn't going to open up his wallet with free agents.

  1. Not much to do really.

    Just need better defense, better bullpen, better top-of-the-~~order~~ rotation guys, better plate discipline and that’s it!

  2. They are gonna point to the Giolito, Casas and Story injuries. They are gonna say they were in contention into the final week. They will sign a few scrap heap bums. Raise ticket prices. Win around 75-85 games. Repeat.

  3. Tanner Houck is your opening day starter. They will make a weak offer to the free agent aces and tell people they chose to go elsewhere.

  4. If FSG is serious, it’s a pretty no-brainer move to sign Burnes. Trade some depth for another starter. The rotation isn’t THAT bad but I still don’t see a #1, which Burnes is. Burnes/Trade Piece/Bello/Houck/Giolito leaves us with tons of depth in Fitts/Priester/Crawford etc. Whit stays in the pen.

    If breslow can Houdini us out of Masa to clear up the DH spot for a rightie, that’s a big dub.

    While I have no faith in ownership, making a play for Soto would ALSO leave some more OF depth expendable and should absolutely be on the table. 26 year old superstar we can steal from the Stankees? Yes please

  5. By recycling other team’s ineffective pitching and thinking we can get something different from them.

  6. Well sure, I think most fans understand it’s about pitching and balancing our lefty/righty lineup, so nothing here we don’t already know. The path forward is clear. We’re close, we already have most of what we need.

  7. Not sure how it’s propaganda, it’s not like he’s promising anything extraordinary. And to be honest, what extraordinary thing are we expecting? Burnes is the only legit ace on the market so it’s not like we can count on him even if they did give him a serious offer.

    The team is set to be $65 million under the luxury tax, so I expect them to spend $55-$60 million this offseason.

    I think they will go after TON. Like Breslow said, they need to address how lefty-heavy the lineup is, so retaining him is key.

    I wonder if Manaea might be the biggest pitching pickup. Fans will throw a fit over this even though he might be the best possible fit for the team. He’s a lefty, he worked with Bailey to great results with SFG, he had similar peripherals to Fried this year, and he will be relatively low risk.

    Ultimately the roster is not that far from wc contention as currently constructed, and the team is losing very few pieces to FA. We should be rooting less for a big splash and more for depth and reinforcements as the Big 4 approach.

  8. The one reason I’m holding out hope that ownership will spend is that it finally is worth it. Burnes would be worth it. Soto would be worth it. Etc. not saying we will sign both or either). Who’s been truly worth it ?Mookie most definitely). But who else. Even at the deadline we needed an ace and didn’t get one but really no one did except
    The dodgers and ace is questionable on that return.

  9. What we need:

    – A veteran catcher who can catch and hit decently, my personal pick would be Carson Kelly. I want someone who can play really good defense and can hit… enough. (Sorry Austin Hedges)… This isn’t a I hate Connor Wong move… but he can’t be your main catcher with his inability to block, and receive well. The pitching staff will look better with a competent receiver, and ideally, they can mentor Teel. When he’s ready, that’s when you either a) Keep Wong but use him in a utility role to keep his bat in the lineup especially against lefties, or b) Trade him and see what you can get, probably not a lot, but you might get something.

    – A right handed outfielder. I’m assuming Refsnyder retires, if not, ignore this because he’s great. Duvall reunion makes sense, had a down year but you can buy low and he still hit lefties hard this year.

    – A SP1 or at least a guy who can be a SP2 and him and Houck can lead together because of course you fucking need one. I think the rest of the rotation can be in house, but you need a guy. Fried, Snell, Flaherty if the medicals aren’t too concerning, Sasaki if he comes over and doesn’t immediately want to go to the Dodgers. If you trade for a guy, Mariners make sense, Id look at George Kirby, had a down year but last year had a 4 WAR season. Bryce Miller would be ideal but has six years of team control and was amazing this year so he’s probably not happening. Crochet maybe but, idk about it… there’s probably other guys I’m not aware of.

    – Leverage arms, you need a top lefty arm for the bullpen, but also another top righty arm. Minter/Scott for the lefty arm, righty… you could just re-sign Martin or get Kittredge. Build your lower leverage guys in house.

    – This could fit into the trade for a pitcher category but maybe trade from depth at places like second base, outfield, things like that. There’s going to be a logjam of young guys needing playing time, so that’ll need to be figured out in the next two years.

  10. How they’re going to improve? Well, it’s really quite simple, they won’t.

    And a bunch of you will still defend the team with the usual “wElL wHaT dId YoU wAnT tHeM tO dO?” and “sPeNdInG dOeSn’T mEaN wInNiNg!” Which I find gross.

    I’ll end with my favorite line, here’s to hoping Henry falls down a flight of concrete stairs and cracks his skull.

  11. No kidding most of the top FA Pitchers are in their 40’s and already make 40 plus million a year or guys who want 40 plus a year like Max Fried No, we all know they will go after someone like Patrick Corbin or someone coming off Tommy John who can’t even pitch in 2025.

  12. If they’re not going to be serious in free agency then they really need to be serious in locking up some of their young guys in pre-arbitration extensions. Getting Anthony and Campbell to something along the lines of the Chourio and Keith deals would be huge.

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