[FOX19Jeremy] Wholesome content. Amarius Mims comes to our show and is holding kids. What a great night.

We had the chance to meet Orlando Brown and Amarius Mims in Newport during Bengals Live. The show films on Wednesday nights at 6pm, and I even got to compete in a putting challenge against him (I barely lost). We played through several rounds, but most of it was edited out during the live broadcast on Fox19 last night. Mims is massive! At 6’2”, I’m used to looking down at people, but he’s truly a gentle giant!

  1. You say

    >Amarius Mims comes to our show and is holding kids.

    And my first mental image is him standing there, palms out with like four kids to each hand. And when he gave them back to parents he fastball specials them 😆

    It’s early. There’s a hurricane. Glad y’all had fun! I hope Mims is in this town for 15 years.

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