For all you visual learners out there… uffda

For all you visual learners out there… uffda

  1. Gleeman posted this on Twitter. I hadn’t totally grasped the magnitude of this collapse until seeing this chart. It’s simply unbelievable.

  2. I remember being excited because the Twins were only two games behind the Guardians and they were looking to surge into first… until they weren’t

  3. It’s tough. As one of the biggest supporters and defenders of this team down the stretch it’s been a tough pill to swallow. I don’t want to read or think about anything baseball related for a while. It just hurts too much.

  4. Looks like the Vikings in a big game when the stage is set to “there is no way they can lose this” and the field goal team is jogging out onto the field.

  5. real question for yall. Do yall know who CyLouie is on twitter, and whats your opinion on him?

  6. I got clowned hard in this sub for saying we won’t make the playoffs 2 months ago. Bunch of idiots, it did not take rocket science to see this coming.

  7. 2 times in the last 3 seasons that we’ve entered September firmly in a playoff spot only for us to completely choke it away. Granted 2022 was tough with injuries. Ownership should be ashamed of themselves

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