We may be division rivals, but I’m happy they were able to get one last victory at home. Gonna miss the OAKLAND Athletics. The team and fans deserve better.

Good luck in Vegas, A’s.

  1. I hated the A’s with a passion but they have real fans who got completely screwed by the team owner and the other bloodsucker billionaires that run MLB.

  2. 100%!! The Oakland fans were done dirty. If you think it can’t happen here, think again.

    I will ALWAYS refer to the A’s as the Oakland A’s. Fuck John Fisher.

  3. Hey at least Arte has kept the team here………….so far.

    I’ll miss the Oakland As too. This is a shitty thing for baseball, for California baseball, AL West baseball.

    Also, an incredible fanbase that deserves waaaaaaaaaaaay better than this.

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