Remaining records needed for the wildcard after today. 85% if we go 2-1, 44% if we go 1-3, and 0% if we get swept

Remaining records needed for the wildcard after today. 85% if we go 2-1, 44% if we go 1-3, and 0% if we get swept

  1. ![gif](giphy|j6uK36y32LxQs)

    Actually a lot to still hope for here too. Very far from over. Just gotta get some help from some old enemies…

  2. These don’t take into account the doubleheader being meaningless for 1 team

    The team that has advanced will sit all their best players and will pitch none of their good pitchers

  3. I remember at the beginning of September when fangraphs had us at 94.6%. All my depressed brain saw then was a whopping 5.4% chance to miss out 🙁

    Still though. Snakes alive. I will believe it’s possible until it’s not.

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