Leaf fans every year

Leaf fans every year

  1. The new york knicks of the nhl… or are the new york knicks the maple leafs of the NBA?!! The debate rages on!!

  2. And if you chirp then you are trolling yet you’ll see hundreds of Leaf fans commenting on every other Canadian teams posts yet alone Boston

  3. This joke is so tired. Leafs fans haven’t seriously said this in like 3 years, most of the fan base is frustrated. Get better material.

  4. It’s crazy how every other fan base seems obsessed with making stuff up about Leafs fans? 99 % of Leafs related content is other fanbases making up scenarios in their heads

  5. No Leafs fans say this. We secretly hope. We secretly pray. But, we never ever say.

    Don’t be mad that the Blue and White takes over your arenas when we come around.

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