Joe Nieuwendyk was voted as Best Forward! Who is the WORST FORWARD in Flames history? NO REPEAT ANSWERS, as always comment with most votes wins

Joe Nieuwendyk was voted as Best Forward! Who is the WORST FORWARD in Flames history? NO REPEAT ANSWERS, as always comment with most votes wins

  1. James Neal will NOT be accepted as an answer to this square as he was already voted as worst overall Flame.

  2. Rocky Thompson. 0g 0a 15gp 86PIM


    Mike Peluso 0g 0a 23gp 116 PIM

    Both appeared only in 98-99 season. We were so bad that year. I think we went through like 8 goalies that year.

  3. Ritchie is one of the worst players I’ve seen in a Bruins sweater in a long time. He routinely made me question what it meant to be a Boston fan, he tested my patience and my ability to root for my boys on a routine basis.

  4. According to this [website]( it’s Bennett with a whopping -67 in 400 games. But second place is a J. Richard whose name I don’t recognize and he played half as many games as Bennett and nearly equaled his -67. But since I don’t know him, I vote Bennett.

    I can’t remember as many dumb penalties and shit play for anyone else as Indo for Bennett. He played with the top people and with the bottom and he wasn’t good here. I’m happy for him that he found a place where he excelled, but it was never going to be here.

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