Lillard unanimous best blazer?

Is Lillard the unanimous best trail blazer? Has he surpassed drexler & Walton in most eyes?

  1. He’s my favorite, and he had a chance, but no. Drexler led us farther, was possibly better, and Walton won us our MVP/Championship.

    Dame was only barely here almost as long as Drexler and didn’t accomplish anything close to the other two.

    Still love him though.

  2. Favorite? Yes, absolutely. Best? I was around for the Drexler era, when we went to the finals twice and the only thing stopping us from winning a chip was the GOAT fucking the league year after year. So pretty hard to say best ever.

  3. Yes it’s unanimous. Don’t listen to these npc bots on this thread saying anything different. dead internet theory. Yall probably from Longview Washington or something. Sad.

  4. Far from unanimous. A lot of media and fans have Walton as the best, some have Clyde or Aldridge, and I’m pretty sure there’s a few Brandon Roy people out there.

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