Which one out of these 2 players ends up becoming more likely to be an All Star?

Either Quickley or RJ? Which one do you think breaks out in terms of overall stats to be a likely All Star, Quickley or RJ?

  1. I dont think either of them will become all stars but if one was to become one i would pick RJ

  2. Most likely Barrett. He’s only been playing better since he got here (also the Olympics), he’s in his hometown which him and his family have a lot of history in, and even though it’s unfortunate but the passing of his younger brother. I believe he will play with a new fire to max out his career for the one his brother didn’t get to have

  3. I would pick Quickley, he’s just a more dynamic and overall better player at the moment imo who has more of an all-star player game.

  4. Gotta go with the one who’s further along and that’s defo RJ. He was never really used to his potential in NYC and if he can keep up his play that he gave us at the end of last season he’s just going to simply be an elite player. His FG% could slide by 5$ adn still be over fiddy. Quickly defo seems more aligned to the Jamal Crawford path. Both these things could change tho.

  5. RJ is on a mission. Quick we have to see if he embraces the starter role and is able to match Maxey – its going to be tough but in a couple of years we shall see.

  6. RJ, because IQ is not quite there yet, but im betting hard on him so I got his rookie cards. Also if RJ has a solid season then there’s the ‘Canadian player in a Canadian team’ voting factor.

  7. I think they’ll both be borderline all stars for the next few years, but neither will get in until we win 45+ games.

  8. RJ was already basically putting up all-star numbers while in a Raptors jersey lol

    22/6/4 on 61.5 TS%

  9. I will say Quickley is the better player because his shooting (Elite) and defence (Mediocre) is better than RJ. All Star appearances depend on votes though and RJ’s rim pressure is probably more visually appealing to voters than IQ’s.

  10. RJ is more or less who he is at this point and hasn’t been an all star yet in his career.

    By default I think it’s IQ. At least he’s more of an unknown.

  11. RJ for the almost award. Neither will get there, but if RJ starts hitting more 3’s, his game highlights including getting to the rim and his overall offensive numbers will have more mass appeal. Plus the chance to get Canada wide support in voting.

    I guess it’s nice to dream.

  12. If RJ keeps the end of last season going this year, he could do it. I don’t see it for IQ, but I’d be really happy if his play elevated to that level obviously.

  13. Outside of Scottie, RJ is the only other player on the roster with the true potential to become an all-star. But he’d need a helluva season, and a winning record to even be nominated.

  14. I think IQ is too erratic to be consistent and RJ has a more polished game that just needs refining

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