20 years ago today, the Montreal Expos would play their last home game against the Florida Marlins. Today, remember the Expos for what they could have been

20 years ago today, the Montreal Expos would play their last home game against the Florida Marlins. Today, remember the Expos for what they could have been

  1. a generally sad-sack franchise that had a couple superstars for a brief period, somehow the planets aligned and they got a world series.

  2. I’m just so glad social media wasn’t around during a time when teams readily moved. Happened way more often than people think. Our societal victim mentality isn’t sad. I’m gen-x

  3. was another stadium situation right?? olympic stadium just wasn’t gonna cut it as an MLB park, and coupled with mismanagement led to baseball rightly returning to Washington…

    people are gonna bring up 94 cause that was the best team in baseball, but that slips over just how heartbreaking the 81 NLCS loss was to the dodgers.. Blue Monday still probably stings the locals… and the dodgers won the world series that year too

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