Which eight year stretch did you enjoy more?

Which eight year stretch did you enjoy more?

  1. 2011 sent me to grief therapy. The 2023 WS was literally the happiest moment in my life.

    I’ll take the second one.

  2. 2010-16, started watching the Rangers almost everyday in like 05/06, so seeing them go from one of the worst teams in baseball to one of the best for a few years was something special to me.

  3. 2011 made me quit watching baseball for years and playing it altogether when it was my passion.


  4. Genuinely interesting question. The first one featured five playoff appearances, seven winning seasons and 2 WS appearances. Also players like prime Hamilton and Beltre, Michael Young, Elvis, and Rangers legends Cliff Lee and Cole Hamels. They also featured three of the most traumatic season-ending situations in team history.

    The second one was largely dire. Only one winning season. Woody and Bannister as managers for most of it. So much dysfunction and mismanagement. Three 90+ loss seasons. The whole Kluber debacle. The no hitters against us. But also one of the greatest postseason runs in MLB history. One so epic that it’s a permanent cure-all for fans that waited upwards of half a century for it.

    **tl;DR:** Neither, give me 2023-2030, when we win 7 titles in 8 years.

  5. Personally have more connection and enjoyed 09-13 alot more. Was not a big fan of the Jeff Banister days. Love the World Series year but still shocked the hodge podge pen stepped up and the ’11 roster pen blew it. 

  6. Very tough question. I got to experience ’10 and ’11 with my Dad. ’23 was something I’ll never forget, but that empty chair made it bittersweet.

  7. 2010-16 no doubt. You should also add 08&09 even tho we didn’t make the playoffs those were fun years. That’s my childhood. Winning the World Series last year was fun but those Ian andrus Hamilton led by Ron teams hit different

  8. 2010-2011 was amazing. The rangers were finally good. You had to be there those two years to really understand the hype and energy around those teams. So many franchise firsts. Hamilton literally being one of the greatest hitters in history for that short period of time. The ballpark during the playoffs. But they were still the rangers. That little team who just never could do it. And they finally did. My grandfather, my dad cried when they won. I don’t think some of you understand how bad of a franchise the rangers were. The 2010 playoffs they won there first playoff series. Ever. They had one playoff win total before that. Took them 25 years just to even make the playoffs the first time. And they won. It should be no contest the most recent 8 years is the best.

  9. It’s close, but the scales tip with the world series victory in one of them and Banister weirdly being manager of the year in the other

  10. World Series was awesome but man something felt much more special for me on that josh Hamilton era. Those guys were just all men bashing the baseball and chemistry was awesome. It’d be neat to have both those teams play each other in their prime.

  11. Personally for me, the 09-2016 was more special to me. Lots of success and lots of memories. The players we had then I adored. Napoli, Beltre, Cruz, Andrus, Young, Hamilton, Kinsler, Moreland, Lee, Lewis, Feliz. Probably the few teams I could name a majority of the fielders. They all hold special places in my heart. I’m sure if you were to take this same question and apply it to say 2020-2028 that would would probably too rather of these.

    The first run, I had time to watch guys develop and grow. “Game 6” is not a phrase that makes me want to vomit anymore thanks to our current team. Give me till the end of the Seager and Semien contracts, and I’m sure I’ll feel the same way.

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