I love the trade for the Wolves

Depth in a rugged west, more wing creation/shooting, more time for Naz. I think Randle has equal chance to be a good player for Wolves if he accepts his role or of being a salary trade chip. Not that they can get huge value for him but even as a vet/expiring something can happen with some redirected 2nds

  1. The timing annoys me, the season starts in like 3 weeks. Let’s hope they don’t take half a season to get chemistry re-figured out

  2. We traded a guy who scored 20 points a night while getting paid 50 mil a year, for two dudes who combine for 40 points a night making less…. I’ll miss KAT, but I’m happy

  3. Shouldn’t be a controversial take at all. People just love KAT as a person and I get it, he’s a great player and dude who gave his all to this franchise for 9 years. Strictly basketball wise however, it’s the best thing for sustaining a winning team for years to come

  4. I think we are gonna be fine. I don’t know if we will be better but I don’t think we will be much worse for cheaper and a roadmap to a sustainable future. I’m just gonna miss KAT.

  5. With the exception of OKC (who are still young and unproven in the playoffs) it feels like the other big threats in the West got weaker. Dallas lost one of their best defenders and now has a washed Klay Thompson with their offense still heavily reliant on Luka and Kyrie (who is turning 33), Denver lost some key players and got a washed Russell Westbrook… maybe the West won’t be as strong as perceived this upcoming season? Seems like Wolves just got more fire power and depth.

  6. Ditto. Donte might honestly flirt with all star status in a few years with increased usage.

    If he starts this year he could put up like 18 points per game.

    He’s basically a better shooting Derek White.

  7. Wolves are going to take a step or two back with the loss of Towns. Yes, he could be maddening to watch at times, but players with his size and skill just are so very rare. We lost a 41% 3-pt shooter who can score in so many different ways as well as board and defend. Thibs will get more out of Towns than Finch did. I think he will be very near 25 ppg and around 10 boards. Knicks will be fun to follow.

  8. Absolutely 💯

    Been waiting for this day since Jimmy left. He seen that soft katitude and split. Kat is a great guy but you need dogs out there to achieve big goals. Kat is a docile housecat and not a hungry dog. I would have thought TC would let it play out this year but he wasn’t messing around…..LOVE IT

  9. I also love it. My biggest fear was we’d just ride with KAT/Rudy as Ant’s #2’s and just peter out. Naz would walk in free agency and thrive elsewhere in a bigger role. Others would leave because we couldn’t afford them due to 2nd apron (ie NAW) and the team would just stagnate eventually.

    None of this is happening annoyed. And it’s also worth nothing that this team had beautiful ball movement when KAT was hurt. It looked so good that Britt Robson was wanting to bench KAT in the playoffs! (which was preposterous but provides context).

  10. For real, it’s a great trade.

    If we think only in terms of next year, it likely makes us a teeny bit worse or roughly the same. Randle in for KAT is a downgrade in a lot of way. Everyone is railing about the poor spacing with Rudy and Randle. But damn, remember when we got Rudy and everyone thought having 2 centers was the stupidest thing ever? TC and Finch made it work and it damn near got us all the way to the finals after one year of them being healthy.

    Randle has been a perennial all star except for last year when he was injured. Randle is injured far less often than KAT and he can work well in the post and bang around in a way that KAT couldn’t.

    Randle gets to escape Thibs who wears his players into the ground, and in so excited to see how Finch fits him into the scheme. Aside from being a good post player, he’s all around solid (defense, passing, etc) on a more consistent level than KAT.

    The dime piece in this trade is DD. He hit his stride last year and is ascending big time. It’s like when we had Malik dropping 40% from 3 for us, only we saw DD do it in the playoffs as part of a top tier team. He’s locked up on a good contract for the next several years and makes our bench much deeper. We are replacing Monte and jmac with Rob, and Kyle with DD.

    Don’t sneeze at that Detroit pick too. Give it a year or two and it loosens up. In 2 years it’s only top 9 protected. That could be the sweet spot where we could get a low lottery pick out of it.

    The biggest thing that people overlook is that after this year we HAD to do something. We can’t keep the team together after this year because the money just didnt work. I love KAT deeply too, but dude is on a supermax contract that really limits us. We can see how Randle works and his contract is up after this year too. That frees up the money to keep Naz and we will have flexibility with what to do at the end of Rudy’s contract.

    I feel like the people who hate this trade are putting on blinders when it comes to the money or they just don’t know much about it. Getting DD on this contract gives us a lot more room while not keeping us roughly the same as we look to go on another run this year.

    I really like the trade despite being gutted that KAT is gone.

  11. this trade adds some much-needed depth, especially in the West. Hoping Randle can find his groove with us!

  12. Expect to take a step back this year. We did well because we were ready to go last year. Winning right away and getting jump on other teams in the West. Now we have to wait for Randle to get healthy(not expected to be ready for game 1) and learn to play with Rudy. Something that is not easy.

    But yeah, if you’re okay with taking a step back, which can also make a superstar mad…. then okay

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