WRAL: This wasn’t your typical Panther’s Loss, chins are up in the locker room

  1. It’s two weeks, and if I’ve learned anything in the last 6+ years, it’s that we collectively get wayyyy too hyped for wayyyy too small of samples (Kyle Allen 5-0, Teddy 3 game win streak, Sam 3-0, etc)

    That being said…the team the last two weeks feels like a *competitive* team for the first time in a long time. And a fun team to watch. Canales is bringing a different, unique style here that feels modern. Two weeks in a row we’ve thrown more than we’ve run.

    But being down 31-14 at one point yesterday at any point in the last 5 years means it’s staying a blowout. The fact that we had the ball down a touchdown with a chance to tie in the last 5 minutes is impressive and all we’re asking for.

    We know the roster isn’t there yet, but we know we weren’t as bad as weeks 1-2. Hope is all we want. Building blocks is all we want.

    I’m a fan so far!

  2. I was at the Chargers game. Pure torture. I was at the Bengals game and had a great time.

    Keep pounding!

  3. When you can point out *specific* reasons for why your team lost a game and know that fixing said issues would have probably gotten you a win, that’s how you learn what you need to improve to have a winning football team.

    Weeks 1 and 2 we didn’t have that (all of last season too). We didn’t learn anything from losses because the entire team was a hole that needed patching. We never felt as if we were *in* the game. You leave at the end of the game feeling entirely unfulfilled rather than talking with your boys about “man if we would’ve scored on that first drive it would’ve changed everything”

    That’s the difference. When you have specific pieces of your team that you are mad about, it means you have other areas that are working. It’s immeasurably better than “this team sucks, we won’t win a game, we should be relegated”

  4. Look, we lost a close game against one of the best teams in the AFC.

    It was 373 to 375 yards of offense.

    This 2024 Panthers team is competitive with Dalton as QB, it’s crystal clear after 8 quarters of football.

  5. Glad the locker room isn’t in a total state of disarray anymore but I hope the leadership doesn’t get too comfortable with these moral victories again like it’s 2022 or we are going to go nowhere. The fact is that this team is in dire need of a rebuild (especially on D) and we should be not be making the same rash win-now moves that have doomed us in the past.

  6. I think having a competent QB at the helm changes everything. I expected a 5-6 win season because I knew we were going to have issues on defense. But the last two weeks it feels like a rebuild that is actually progressing than just a race to the bottom. I still think we pull off 5 or 6 wins. Based on how the rest of the season works out, I think Dalton should be resigned in prep to bring in a new QB in the draft along with getting more defensive personnel.

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