So – will there be an off week thread, or an off day thread each day?

So – will there be an off week thread, or an off day thread each day?

  1. Hoynes article says Bibee game 1, Boyd game 2, and undecided for game 3

    Also says Alex Cobb threw a 35-40 pitch simulated game yesterday with no issues “we checked off all the boxes”. That 94mph sinker is valuable if he’s actually healthy.

    Go Guards.

  2. [NL Wildcard race will come to a crazy end today.]( Braves Mets have a double header today. Either team sweeping the double header keeps the other out, and a split gets them both in and keeps the DBacks out. 3 fanbases on the extreme edge of the playoffs and one will be devastated by the end of the night.

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