Not getting my hopes up but đź‘€

Stay in Oakland.

  1. I’m not trying to get my hopes up in this one. Im sure if they did meet it was to see his interest and what would his best and final offer be

  2. Don’t do this to me. Idk how much more my heart can take


  3. John Fissure doesn’t even have to pay rent at the park in Sacramento. I fucking hate that guy so hard. I’m not even going to entertain Lacob at this time. ManFraud is still in power and remember how he thinks:
    The Bay Area isn’t “big enough” for two teams and there’s too much money to be made in Vegas.

  4. I’m gonna need a source on this one. Or at least “anonymous source close with the A’s” or something. Not sure why the Vegas Twitter guy would know this.

  5. Dont get your hopes up. Lacob said Fisher does not want to sell and is focused on Vegas. Said if he ever does decide he wants to, he knows who to call.

  6. Not to be lost in in all this… Vivek Ranadive was a former business partner of Joe Lacob’s, and with him, was part of the Golden State Warriors ownership group. This was a few short years before moving on to **SAVE** the Kings from leaving Sacramento. Vivek seems to have a heart, and *maybe* a grassroots movement could entice him and Joe Lacob to put together an offer even John Fisher can’t refuse.

    – A longtime Oakland A’s AND Sacramento Kings fan.

  7. I’d put down a season ticket deposit the SECOND a sale were announced – even if I still had to eat 3 years in Sacramento.

  8. Jeez, my heart can’t take more ownership talk. 

    Praying for Lacob and the A’s to get this shit done 

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