[Sharp] “I’ve talked to a few guys in that locker room over the last two weeks. They’ve told me that the locker room is GONE regarding Doug Pederson

[Sharp] “I’ve talked to a few guys in that locker room over the last two weeks. They’ve told me that the locker room is GONE regarding Doug Pederson

  1. Were gonna fuck around and let this cancer string together a 7 win season then convince the fanbase he’s not the problem. Just watch. 

  2. But someone on Reddit told me I was jumping to a conclusion when I said he lost the locker room.

    It’s not like they haven’t won a game all year, had a historic collapse last year that hasn’t been addressed, injured players, Doug mentions benching TLaw who’s been the best QB the jags have had for awhile, they bench him and Mac Jones instantly fumbles the ball, all on prime time, AND Doug throws everyone under the bus and refuses to have anyone touch his lap dog Press Taylor.

    Yeah I’m really jumping there.

  3. Shocker. He’s thrown everyone under the bus except the offensive staff and himself. The players have missed plays, but there’s no worse way to try to get them tighter than to drag them publicly.

  4. The least shocking news article I’ve seen all week. Bad coach loses locker room morale?? Who would have thought!! I really hope we don’t waste Trevor’s career. Or even worse, having a baker mayfield situation. Drafted first by a poverty franchise. Show flashes of brilliance, but inconsistent due to bad coaching carousels. Then goes to another team and balls out.

  5. So the guy’s are going to quit working as hard. Oh wait, they already had done that

  6. When you keep telling everyone your offensive works and nothings wrong with your coach and everyone is telling you otherwise. When the offense stops working you lose everyone’s trust. Not a crazy concept don’t know why Doug doesn’t get it

  7. iffy source, but it’s kinda obvious that the vibe just isn’t the same as when they got hot 2 years ago… Doug’s mood is the give-away

  8. I doubt the boys are happy with him. Trev has his problems but Doug and his son Press Taylor are doing the offence no favours. How bad are you handling this squad to have them regress so much? How can you excuse averaging 15 points a game? Shit even the titans with thier sorry ass QB managed to drop 30 on the phins.

  9. I don’t trust that guy as far as I can throw him, but I think even he may be right on this one.

  10. Ehhhhh. I wouldn’t doubt it. But I have watched McAfee way too long to trust Schultz lol. He seems like a nice enough dude, but he has a pretty decent track record of misreporting things when he comes on their show…

  11. I know every Philly fan said to beware with Doug but I am still baffled by him. It feels like whiplash coming from the turnaround 2022 season to now. He was generally well liked in the league and you have national media people (like Rich Eisen) who stan for him. How do you field a team this unprepared week in and week out? The locker room, as far as I know, doesn’t have divas or clear bad personalities. What the hell is wrong with him?

  12. I’ve been absolutely baffled that Doug still has a job every second since that game in Buffalo. That wasn’t just a loss. That was a failure as an organization and an embarrassment. 

  13. Sorry but even at 0-4 I don’t believe a word this guy says. I’d like to know his sources. 

  14. I’m not surprised about this shit at all.

    Jaguars lost 8 consecutive AFC conference games going back to last December and lost 6 straight away games.

    I knew when we lost to Cleveland the team and Doug completely stopped giving a fuck.

  15. I don’t know what to believe at this point. The only thing that matters to me right now is that the coach has had bad press conferences 3 weeks in a row with awful body language, has publicly thrown his players under the bus, the savior of jaguars football is broken, our $100 mil+ star pass rusher is invisible yet again, injuries galore, not only questionable play calling but questionable decision making which is arguably worse.

    The owner is reportedly as angry as he’s ever been yet no changes have been made, our shiny new DC subs out our best linebacker constantly who, you guessed it, IS ON IR, the GM is as incompetent and out of touch as they come, constantly making baffling decisions including giving up draft capital to take a linebacker that isn’t worth a damn, drafting a project edge rusher at #1 overall over the multiple obvious choices that were there for the taking just cause he had long arms.

    But how could I forget… the snake GM and arrogant head coach are infighting to the point that a 2nd round pick (another project) who should be making immediate impacts was a healthy scratch out of spite. That’s not only extremely petty, detrimental to the success of the franchise, but unfair to the player whose dream it is to play pro football.

    On top of ALL that, we head in to alumni weekend, a moment where we should be celebrating 30 years of this franchise we all love, to honor and induct Tom Coughlin into the pride, who built this team from the ground up and gave us the only true, consistent success we’ve ever experienced. The prowler throwback jersey’s that we have been begging for are being worn. The vibes should be at an all time high.

    But they’re not. They’re arguably the lowest they’ve ever been to the point it’s laughable. On such an important weekend, the Jaguars face 0-5. We have been given no reason to believe that things are going to turn around. The locker room is reportedly gone. No changes have been made and it looks like none will be made. Something something definition of insanity. Break out the clown costumes folks! Baalke failed to prove us wrong and Doug Pederson decided to join him. 🤡

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