What’s the verdict on the new uni’s??

What’s the verdict on the new uni’s??

  1. I like them. I was at a bar in Massachusetts watching the game and everyone commented favorably about them. They thought they were pretty badass.

  2. Didn’t like them as much in the promo images. I think they’re dope seeing them during in game action, though.

  3. The black uniforms are easily the best Lions uniform, and also the best in the entire league.

  4. I don’t think people will be associating black jerseys with our 0-16 record anymore.

    You have to recognize that black on black is officially the jared Goff perfect jersey now. They are here to stay 

  5. Ford field was pretty full of em on Monday. I’ll admit I broke down and got a st brown one at the stadium. Conflicted because we lost last years helmet but these are pretty solid. 

  6. The blackberries are fucking epic. I’m so happy we brought back the black uniforms. I hated the lame fucking grey ones.

  7. I like them way more than the all Grey unis. But I don’t think they look like the Lions, so I’m not fully on board with them.

  8. I know the helmet is technically Honolulu blue but it doesn’t look Honolulu blue to me.

  9. I’m good with them. I bought a blue jersey myself, but I’d consider getting a black too.

    Side note but the extreme change in attitudes on this sub around the black jerseys is wild. Before they were announced they were very disliked and you’d be downvoted to hell for saying you wanted them. Now the general opinion is the opposite.

  10. After seeing Arizona’s all-blacks last week, the Raven’s all-blacks against the Bills, I can confidently say that we have THE best black uniforms, and we put on one helluva show for their debut.

    Plus, I will forever associate them with MCDC’s first win over Seattle.

  11. Born and raised in Michigan and hard core Lions fan. Live in Texas now.

    I had soooo many people reach out to me during the game and even Tuesday at the office about the awesomeness the jersey/helmet combo. It was insane how many people reached out.

    It did look damn good.

  12. It’s hard to keep picking favorite games to rewatch as a Lions fan these days.. but this has to be up there. We finally beat Seattle. Goff was perfect. Jamo 70 yd touchdown. Toe tapping sun god. JG16 TD Reception… all in our first game wearing rh all blacks.

    This was a special game. Good lord I love this team

  13. As a bengals fan I will say I absolutely love the helmet and jersey. I just wish the pants had some blue accents in them. Not used to seeing any nfl pants just primarily one color with no design or secondary color on them. Nonetheless these are amazing

  14. I didn’t like them when they were revealed but these are way better than the greys.

  15. I want to see them with blue pants but this is probably the best Lions uniform of all time and people aren’t ready for that conversation cuz it’s not the traditional blue/silver.

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