Been seeing this everywhere who was it for you?


  1. I guess I can’t relate, mine were Andre reed and James lofton. Although that being said, there is always Steve tasker

  2. Eric Moulds for me

    Edit: easy ya’ll I missed that mediocre was in the prompt haha

  3. I mean.. I was 25, but my first bills game (I’m European) was the 13 seconds game, so.. I’ll forever defend Gabe Davis, even if he’s not a consistent world beater.

  4. Sammy Watkins was on the 2017 Bills when I started to like em, and is one of the big 4 of why I continue to like em

  5. Can we name some actual obscure WRs?

    Sam Aiken

    Avion Black

    TJ Graham

    Dezmin Lewis

    Greg Salas

    Deonte Thompson

    Duke Williams

    Leonard Hankerson dropped like 5 passes in a pre-season game and was banished to the shadow realm

  6. Bobby Shaw was going to be THE ANSWER, until Mularky booted him off the team like 2 weeks later.

  7. Who was that one WR that was a preseason hero back maybe during the DJ era? For like 3 seasons Chris Brown would talk him up and then he’d end up on the practice squad – eventually I think he went to Tampa for a year or two.

  8. Not for me, but for my friend growing up. He wasn’t a Bills fan but I had to hear every day how Jerry Porter is the next great Raiders WR, but couldn’t show it because he was behind Rice and Tim Brown

  9. I was exactly 9 when the Bills drafted Russell Copeland and was sure he would be the next Andre Reed. I think at that age I was probably watching the draft for the first time and got hooked into a specific player in a different way. I remember buying his rookie card and tried to get a jersey though my Dad wisely talked me out of it lol.

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