Jeff Levering being comforted after signing off from the radio broadcast last night

Jeff Levering being comforted after signing off from the radio broadcast last night

  1. This has gotta be a turning level on some point for this organization. Good or bad. The devastation is widespread. Even the “thank you” post was sadder than normal this year.

  2. Thanks, I was nonplussed when he started breaking up at the end, that was when it really started to sink in for me too

  3. I’m still just in awe of the devastation the 9th inning caused. I had the best and worst moments of my fandom occur within 30 minutes of each other. The stadium was electric and then absolutely dejected in the blink of an eye.

    I’ve been through all of the recent postseason failures and this one just seems much more profound. Is it melodramatic to call the whole experience traumatic?

  4. I was there…..burst into tears at the double play…I ♥️my Brewers, but it just gets so damned tough emotionally every damned season!!!! The 1982 14 year old grrrl in me still believes, but the 56 year old woman can’t handle it anymore….

  5. Between this and Yelich’s comments, I wonder if Ueck may have been telling some people he’s done or something? Gut punch game to lose, but seems like they’re taking harder than just a terrible loss.

  6. Not surprising, he was so fucking excited for those back to back homers. It was so much fun to hear him just lose it with excitement. Honestly gave me hope for a deep run.


  7. This was my first win or go home game ever. Idk if I could go through that again. The loudest and quietest I have ever heard that stadium on the same night. It was almost eerie.

  8. Yeah it was rough listening to him at the end. I could tell… and this should be something to hang in that locker room at the start of the season in 25 man… to show that the fans CARE and it hurt from the bottom all the way to the top.

  9. Ugh. I take these things in stride. I KNOW we will break through and win it all one of these years so I’m disappointed but fine with it. But shit like this breaks me up.

  10. I’ve been a fan since seeing a game at County Stadium in 1974.

    This one seemed *cruel*. Not disappointing or jolting or “haha Lucy pulls the football back”. Just mean for means sake.

    Based on the reactions I’ve seen/heard from Yeli and Levering, I don’t like what the undertones are and I don’t want to help manifest thoughts by writing them down here.

    Yeah yeah yeah things are pointing up! It was a great year! I don’t want to think about that right now. It feels better to pick the scab and mourn things that haven’t even happened yet.

    Tl;dr 🙁

  11. I’ve always liked Jeff, but fuck do I love him after last night. He and Uke deserve better.

  12. I’m just trying to move on from this heartbreak my way and seeing these new posts is only making me all the more gutted.

    I probably don’t even feel bad for myself or the players (who got to play) anymore. I just feel bad for the good people whose hearts and souls were thoroughly crushed for loving the Brewers wholeheartedly.

  13. Anyone see Sal in the dugout crying also, he plays the game how it should be played with heart. I felt terrible for him also. This is hard to witness once again, but I remind myself that at the end of the day it’s just a game and theirs positive things in life to look forward to. 

  14. Just a random thought I’ve been mulling over for the last day: I am a Seattle Seahawks fan. I thought after the superbowl interception I’d never feel anything on par with that whiplash surreal feeling of plummeting in the pit of your stomach in a flash, but that’s exactly the same feeling watching the game last night. I think for a lot of people, it’s just shocked our system. Life will go on, there’s always next year, I love this team for life, but I think we’re just feeling blindsided.

  15. 💔 I needed this too … I was just crushed… The faces of the players and fans spoke volumes. Unfortunately my gf is a Mets fan so I was SOL.

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