The official fuck Brad Allen thread

Fuck you, Brad.

  1. I sympathize with Dan Skipper. It would royally piss me off if someone put words in my mouth and then doubled down own it rather than admit they were wrong.

    That’s when I started limiting my time with the broader NFL and focused more exclusively on the Lions. The league handled their screw-up very poorly in my eyes.

  2. Have the ref assignments for this weekend been release yet? Because if we get him, Sheila needs to pitch a fit.

  3. Worst ref ever. This fucker flagged the Lions 22 times vs the Titans one year during the. Caldwell days. Sick. Dudes a southern fried SEC homer.

    Petition his ass outta here…

  4. did something happen recently? I’m still learning football and don’t know much about this guy’s history

  5. His mom said he is most definitely NOT handsome, and any girl who rejected him is better off for doing so.

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