Todd Downing is gonna be the playcaller for the Jets

Todd Downing is gonna be the playcaller for the Jets

  1. Who?

    It’s the same playbook. Not really concerned.
    We can’t beat the Jets we have some big issues.

  2. This is either gonna be our “get it right” game or a giant clusterfuck of epic proportions…just got that gut feelin…time to dig in and grind one out boys!

  3. Of course this clown show organization had to do all these changes before this game. Fuck Woody Johnson.

  4. If we bungle this game away I have little faith that we can right the ship this season. We need to win this

  5. My pet theory was that Salah wanted to fire Hackett and Rogders told them “He stays or I go.” And now they have a new guy calling plays? Salah shows up to work and gets escorted from the building by security? WTF is going on in New Jersey?

  6. Jets are a joke. Letting a QB with no real connection to the team, who’s probably feeling done with the team, run the org.

  7. Sort of an interesting nugget from Jay D Pauley: Rodgers has the longest streak without a 300 yard game amongst any starting QB at 28 straight games ( ). Here’s hoping the streak continues to 29 games. If it doesn’t, I guess the post-firing bounce thingy continues.

  8. This will make prepping for their offense tricky. I feel like teams get a first week bump after changes like this, and really don’t want that to be the case vs us.

  9. Jets offense never the concern. Their defense held up against the Vikings, need offense to figure something out or will be 12-9

  10. Hmm…

    Where have we seen this before? Where short-term success as a playcaller will hide the predictability of an offense long term.

  11. If the bills lose do you think the jets will have false confidence for the rest of the season and end up fizzling out by the end of the season?

  12. When a team fires coaches and all that stuff they usually play better at least that first game. Buffalo better bring their A game.

  13. I think the Jets will be awful the remainder of the season (not a hot take, I know) but of course they do this before our game with them. The interim head coach performance bump following a head coach firing is a VERY real thing regardless of who it is. I can see this being the only good game the Jets play the rest of the year. This franchise is absolutely cursed

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