This is who’s on your side now. Don’t ever go telling me you care about Arizona sports if you’re rooting for this team.

Call me bitter. I don’t give a fuck, I hope that arena collapses and I will hate each one of these fuckers until the day I die.

  1. Fuck Utah. I’m done with the “oh it’s not their fault” narrative. They’ve been nothing but insufferable douchebags since. Let them have their cult run shithole state.

  2. I think the best thing we can do is get Vernon Maxwell in our corner because he can take care of all the garbage they throw.

  3. We need to get our Yotes back. When that happens, I hope we beat the everloving shit out of them. Also hoping the Suns smack that Jazz ass as well (yes it seeps over since the Jazz ownership owns the Utah team and HOPEFULLY Ishiba can own the next Yotes 2.0 team)

  4. I just got into hockey last year and chose to be a yotes fan. Shame I chose a team that moved but man I love watching these guys even if they are in Utah.

  5. Inaugural season in AZ was like this lmao it’s not a sign of good shit classic selective memory

  6. Every team has dumbass fans. You can’t pick from the worst of them and generalize the whole team. This guy is definitely a jerkoff, but that doesn’t mean that anyone who follows the team hates Arizona.

  7. Fuck Utah. Bunch of vultures. Don’t tell me Ryan Smith isn’t to blame. I fully believe he interfered with the arena process in Arizona. It’s funny seeing the Utah “fans” whine and cry that we say “mean things” about their state and city. Oh yeah and fuck Craig Morgan’s sarcastic ass and PHNX for ever even speaking about this travesty of a team. Take your Walmart team and leave us the fuck alone. Shit like this makes it even more obvious that salt lake sucks

  8. I hope they lose every game in the season and are forced to resell the team because they’re so bad and absolutely no one wants to show up.

  9. not like the cardinals have done anything productive since 2008…move them to Utah and get the Yotes back…?

  10. Can you even get a beer at a Utah NHL game, or do you have to wear funny underwear or some shit?

  11. I just called him out on his BS. He has no shame or empathy…supporting a money laundering cult.

  12. People online are loud minority. Not rooting for them at all, but I’d bet most Utah fans aren’t looking to rub it in our faces

  13. Its like the us yotes fans that stuck with the team got shot in the foot. As soon as the team has playoff potential the team moves witch is complete bullshit.

  14. This is embarrassing, y’all are a bunch of crybabies.

    I’m AZ native so I know heartache like any other AZ sports fan but this is the same team we’re talking about here. I’m supposed to stop rooting for Keller because some billionaire is a shithead?

    Yotes fans in the uhc sub are saying mods here are straight banning them for saying anything pro Utah.

    Fuckin sad state of affairs and this sub will be down to 5 nerds posting the same circle jerk sob story.

    Grow up.

  15. Arizona state plays Utah(football) tomorrow. They are ranked.. we are not.. let’s beat them from beyond the grave shall we?

  16. Why would the NFL want to move to a state that has 60% of its population at church on any given Sunday

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