Biggest what-if in Pacers history?

I think I have to go with Paul George never suffered that gruesome injury during a Team USA scrimmage.

  1. What if game 7 vs the Bulls in Chicago had been officiated fairly? Pippen mugged Marc Jackson every time down the court, absolute joke of a game.

  2. Have to agree with the others saying Malice in the Palace, this is probably a strong second but nothing tops Malice. Obligatory Fuck the Pistons and their fan base!

  3. If he doesn’t get hurt…thats right when the mass change happened and guys like Hibbert were quickly out of the league.  It be interesting to see if they could’ve gotten a stretch 5.

  4. 1. Malice never happens if I fight the pistons fan first.  
    2. If the Blazers can hold the 4th qt lead against the Lakers in 2000  
    3. Antonio Davis doesn’t foul to give Grandmama a 4pt play 
    4. If our coaching staff could have adjusted with Mark Jackson not bringing the ball up against Pippen in the 4th of game 7.  
    5. If we don’t cut Granger so the team morale didn’t fracture, MAYBE. 

  5. Nah. He still would have left for LA. It’s wasn’t the injury, it “was the talent” as he put it. “we didn’t care” blah blah blah. No matter who we added, we weren’t getting through LeBron. Not a chance. Also, not a clutch player to get the job done even when given the opportunity(s), so it doesnt matter x2.

  6. Nah. West conceded that they knew they were not good enough to beat Miami. I think we saw the peak of that lineup could do and it still came up short. It was going to get to broken up with or without PG’s injury.

  7. I want to say Malice like everyone else, but that roster was gonna implode at some point that season. Seems like there was a lot of personalities and a lot going on behind the scenes. But it was my favorite era of Pacers basketball…

  8. If we weren’t so strapped for cash that we needed to trade the pick to Portland for cash. You know, the Jordan pick.

  9. Hands down the biggest IMO is what if Reggie dunked it and doesn’t get swatted by the freakishly long arms of Tayshaun Prince. We likely have a Championship to show for that season.

  10. pre-injury “maybe”
    post-injury, definitely no more hypotheticals if he had stayed considering his lack of success after leaving. the final good year with him/hibbert/west/hill/stephenson was THE shot with that group and would have had a great chance at the championship if it wasn’t for lebron and the heat. agree with others that the malice at the palace season is a bigger whhat-if.

  11. Biggest “What-if” in Pacers history is this. What if Malice in the Palace did not happen? We might have an NBA banner to join our ABA banners.

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