A Message From Tom Ricketts

A Message From Tom Ricketts

  1. Bragging about our talent pipeline seems to be a way to get ahead of not going after any big bats in free agency… let’s hope they at least spend money on our bullpen.

  2. Like many people have said, I’ll believe it when I see it. We should be the dodgers and Yankees of the Midwest. There’s no excuse not to go out there and get whoever we need to be a playoff team, until we stop operating like a small market team this will keep happening.

  3. Dear Mr. Ricketts,

    Did you watch the games? How many blown saves did we have? Why don’t we have a legit closer? Is there one of those in our pipeline?

    A long-time Cubs fan

  4. “There is no way to sugarcoat it”

    Proceeds to sugarcoat it by saying Ian Happ hit 25 home runs

  5. Why does the front office operate like we’re the Twins? The Cubs are one of the most popular brands in all of sports, in one of the biggest markets in North America, owned by a family worth billions, specifically by a man worth almost a billion himself, and is essentially a machine that prints money.

    This team should be in the playoffs every year if they threw money around.

  6. Very interesting. He should have considered shoving it up his ass instead of emailing it to me

  7. I’m hoping now that Counsell has had his first season as the Cubs skipper, he can make a case to the front office that they’ve got to give him more to work with. It wasn’t enough just to bring him over and expect him to make miracles happen. CC was pretty candid in the press that the team is underperforming.

  8. Translation:

    Cubs fans,

    Thanks for the dollars! Expect more of the same in 2025!

    Love and kisses,

    Tommy boy

  9. Thanks Tom. Now that I know USA Today thinks we are Number 2, I know we will make the playoffs next year.

  10. Cliff Notes: Big bummer, nobody is getting fired, window is still open, all hail the window, sure it sucked but there was some cool stuff, right?

    Cool, still not spending money on free agents.

  11. Why is everyone under the impression that this team doesn’t spend? $230M is good for #7 in MLB.

    The problem isn’t that they don’t spend. The problem is that they allocate resources to shitty players like Dansby and don’t address their needs (BULLPEN).

  12. The whole “prospects” excuse has gotten so old. We may have some of the top prospects in the game, but the Cubs do an absolute horrible job as an organization preparing prospects for the jump to Major League play. We see players time and time again that tear shit up in the Minors, then fall completely short at the Major League level. Sure, that happens with a lot of rookies, but the Cubs seem to lean on that excuse more than anyone else by constantly bragging about their farm system and refusing to spend money on established talent.

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