Game moved up to 1:08 p.m. due to threat of rain


  1. More like due to Ohio State/Oregon playing at 7:30, we moved the game up ahead of that so Cleveland fans will show up.

  2. This sucks. Was hoping to watch this distraction free when the kids go to sleep and enjoy a couple pops

  3. Canadian Thanksgiving dinner with the family tomorrow – I wouldn’t have been able to gorge myself on turkey and stuffing if I had the 8pm first pitch to be nervous about. This works for me. 

  4. Worst case scenario is a normal start followed by a lengthy delay to ice Skubal out of the game. Hopefully weather holds off

  5. Well, I’m really glad I didn’t buy tickets for the 8 PM game. I would’ve blew over a grand with no certainty I’d be able to resell them again.

  6. Now I don’t have to go to the bar and I can drink at home and if we lose, I won’t go to sleep in sadness. Nice

  7. Man that sucks. I work Saturdays (work in a historic home in DC in a customer facing role) and I at least was telling myself that if I couldn’t see the first half, I’d at least get to see the later innings. Looks like that’s gone.

  8. Well that fucks up my Saturday plans! Quick someone use one of those weather control machines!

  9. Day/night splits don’t apply to someone that’s as good as Skubal but this feels like a bit of a win

  10. Oh no..made a 2:30pm tee time because I wanted something to clear my mind so I wasn’t anxiously waiting all day.

    Looks like I’m watching it on my phone on the front nine.

  11. I don’t like it because I will be 5 minutes away from the park and was planning to attend. Now I will be be busy unfortunately.

  12. Fuck! I am doing a bike race 1.5 hours from home that’ll hopefully be done with around 1. It would have worked out perfectly to get lunch, get home and shower and not miss the first pitch.

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