Hire the Head Coach!!

Who are you going to replace Sean with? Maybe need a fast wide receiver that can catch.

  1. Calling for his firing is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen. The time to do that is the offseason

  2. I’m not a hardcore advocate for firing him but I also am not against it. The biggest question we need to ask ourselves is I challenge anyone to give me direct examples of when coaching was the direct reason we won a game. I can think of direct examples of when it lost us games. I attribute most of our success to the GM putting together a great roster and the elite level of QB play. I think McDermott is a fantastic defensive mind but he frequently falls short in key crunch time scenarios. I think we should consider taking a run at Ben Johnson this off-season if we decide to go separate ways with him.

  3. McD has been crucial to the current state of the Bills, but if they don’t win it all this year they really should consider trying to catch lighting in a bottle with a young offensive minded coach. What’s the worst case scenario? We don’t win the Super Bowl for a long time? We’re already doing that

  4. Doing it mid season would be foolish… if we have a lackluster playoff performance or don’t win division I think it’s time for a blank check for Ben Johnson… he didn’t want to leave Detroit unless it was the right job… i don’t see many people turning down having JA17 as QB after a soft reset

  5. In other words having the three best QBs in the league will give you the 3 best regular season records. Alas, he’s accomplished the same level of playoff success with Josh Allen (1 conference championship loss) as Marrone had with Blake Bortles. Still trailing Rex and Sanchez.

  6. Buffalo fans don’t know what winning is.

    No one denied Sean is a good head coach in the NFL. No one denies that he’s the one who saved us from a 17 year playoff drought. No one denies that he’s a great leader of men.

    But bonehead mistake after bonehead mistake have cost this team significantly. Our existence shouldn’t be “let’s make the playoffs”….it should be a championship. But Buffalo fans seem to have their blinders on when it comes to taking that next step.

  7. That regular season record has way more to do with our QB than our Head Coach.

    Josh is good for 9-10 wins every year just on his own.

    But when we get to the playoffs, where all the teams are talented, and coaching is the main separator, we fall short in spectacular fashion.

    McD is a good guy, and a great coach for a bad team. But he doesnt have what it takes to get over the hump and to a Championship.

    He’d probably be best going back to Carolina as HC and providing the stability to right that ship.

  8. We know what McD is, he can coach up a defensive back as good as any of them and he feasts on the bottom 2/3rds of the league. But he also routinely makes baffling decisions, that in year 8 is inexcusable, the failures in situational football is well documented and i struggle to understand some of the gameplans against elite offenses.

    Beane and McD have also routinely ignored the 1 tech position, starr fell off a cliff and they brought in daquan instead of targeting a 1 tech in the draft. We can’t keep ignoring the one tech position especially when our run defense has been so terrible for so many years.

    I would like a change simply because im sick of the boring vanilla playcalling, the “coaching out of fear” and the constant head scratching decisions in situational football.

  9. It’s almost like having a good QB can carry you through a regular season, but having a bad coach dooms you in January…

    This is reason to fire, not keep, McDermott…

  10. Mid season would be insane, it’s a rebuild year on paper and any playoff dreams are a stretch goal.

    After season, it seriously needs to be considered. Starting to feel like Andy in philly or Marvin Lewis sort of situation. Good coaches, team is always good, but can’t get them over the hump.

    Sometimes that’s what you have to do, I’d add. Like firing Andy from Philadelphia got them a superbowl. Doug Pederson is a much worse coach than Andy and it didnt result in sustained success or anything, but they did win their first ring as a result of that decision.

  11. For fun, you should look at the Browns from like 86-88. Maybe we can convince Cleveland to hire Brian Schottenheimer, only that bloodline can return the franchise to glory.

  12. Aight see how we fare this January then. Don’t blame him when he gets out coached once again

  13. That’s awesome that we can sit back and anoint ourselves regular season champions, while wasting the years of a generational quarterback

    Can we now go look at playoff records from the divisional round through the Super Bowl since 2017?

  14. Only thing that matters is Super Bowl wins, unfortunately. And we have zero.

    I don’t know if it’d change if we fire him, but I’m not sold that he’ll get us there either. So I’m not really sure where I stand on it all.

  15. Is it common to have a “rebuild year” in the middle of your “super bowl widow” period of years?

  16. Quick, put JP Losman in for Josh Allen.

    ‘Dang it you dasdardly kids, you got me’

    *scooby pulls off his mask*

    I knew it! It was Dick Jauron the whole time!

    TLDR;.. McDermott is Jauron without a QB. They even have similar cowardly punts and really bad clock management, run a cover 2 defense that can’t stop the run despite massive investment in the DL, and bail out their DBs’ via scheme so everybody thinks they are coaching up DB’s to all pro levels. And both of them require great QB play to win games. At least Jauron won a coach of the year award.

    Please give me an offensive coach before we ruin Josh Allens window.

  17. Getting a high winning percentage is great, but he is not winning the big games. Most of us have been through this before and let’s face it who can even bear to think we are going to live through this type of success again and not get to the Super Bowl and win one. I am sorry hire Jon Gruden or someone of his ilk and get it done for Christ sake. We have Josh now.

  18. Wake me up when he wins in February. It’s been 8 years. 7 with a generational qb. We should have one by now.

  19. Neat. Now post a graphic about his success in the playoffs, it’ll look a lot different. Raise your expectations and stop being happy with “not being bad”. The drought is long gone

  20. 5-6 in the playoffs
    Can’t beat a division winner, beats up on 5-7 seed
    Gets out coached in the playoffs every year, allowing the other team to score on 75% of their drives (excluding kneel downs. Also notice how we play the wildcard teams and this stat is still this high. He gets carried by Allen and the offense)
    13 seconds
    14 seconds the year after, against the same team. Same situation. Yes we won that regular season game, but it shows he didn’t learn from his past mistakes
    Before people compare him to Andy Reid, please remember Reid is the best offensive mind of this generation. McDermott wasn’t even the best defensive mind in his own division until Saleh got fired
    Soft/prevent defense constantly. Thinks that his defense can win the game and not his unicorn QB and offense
    We’ve been through just about the same coordinator firings than he has playoff wins, and yet the same mistakes are made. He’s the common denominator here
    I appreciate him raising our floor, but he’s not raising our ceiling or taking us to the promised land
    Possible replacements: Ben Johnson (OC Lions) would be great seeing him with Allen and the offense. Klint Kubiak (OC Saints) they’re asking for a miracle in NO and I think his offense would look great here. Bobby Slowik (OC Texans) we’ve seen what he’s done with that offense in HOU and the work he’s done with Stroud. Imagine him here with Allen. Bill Belichick (FA HC) proven winner who’s out coached Andy Reid every time they’ve played just about. Bring him here to get us over the hump. There’s options, here

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