Looks like Juice touched a nerve …

Grant's daddy had to come to Substack and defend him.

(hopefully you can access this link!)

  1. Someone got their feelings hurt over grown men not wanting to have random people around when they are changing. What a sad try at tearing down a good player and teammate

  2. One of these guys has a bachelor in economics from Harvard, one has a bachelor in arts from Lafayette, guess which one is calling the other stupid

    Edit: spelling

  3. Not only are these guys complete hacks, they really don’t write well. I skimmed through this and saw “Juiceroo” and had to get out of there before I puked.

  4. PLEASE can we revoke GC’s credentials or at the very least have a hard ban on his content in this sub. Guy could not be more of hater of a team and actively trying to be a shit stirrer

  5. Lowell has been like this for decades. Toxic reporting. Grant is just following in his footsteps. I find it quite amusing that Grant’s wife is even commenting telling Lowell to shut up and let Grant fight his own battles. She must be a saint for putting up with those 2.

  6. Reporters in the locker room is one of those weird things that America has normalized that the rest of the world thinks is weird as fuck. It really should be ended.

  7. This just lends more to the idea that this is a family of professional trolls. The rage bait is the point.

  8. I taught for 34 years and I’d have the parents of problem children come in to discuss the kid’s behavior. Nine times out of ten, I’d leave that conversation saying, “Now I know where the kid gets it. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Read the tone of this post and notice the personal attacks. Now we know why Grant is a POS.

  9. This is top tier shitposting. Confirming his son isn’t gay is the funniest shit to read

  10. Hahahahahah imagine getting called a weirdo for lingering around naked men and your old ass dad comes to your defense online. Just endless L’s for grant

  11. Lowell Cohn called Kaepernick’s kneeling a “distraction” & defended slave owner statues.

    Grant tried to bait Javon Kinlaw into a lawsuit & then went on his own channel to brag about it.

    I don’t just think they are bad journalists, they also just seem to be shitty people. It’s unfortunate & also just annoying Grant still covers the team

  12. Lowell Cohn was actually worse than his son, and the only reason Grant is more controversial is because Lowell wasn’t around in the social media age. With that in mind, this line is particularly rich:

    >You just wrote what you wrote to be a jerk.

    He and his son literally built their entire careers by doing that very thing.

    Also, it’s pretty rich that Lowell spent half this article trying to paint Juice as anti-lgbtq when he himself has literally been attacking the trans community over the past couple weeks.

  13. That’s by a wide margin the cringy-est thing I’ve ever seen. I felt uncomfortable for the cohns reading it.

  14. I got through 4 or 5 paragraphs and when I realized I wasn’t even halfway through, I couldn’t go farther.

  15. What a terrible look for the Cohn family. Maybe don’t get offended because a player doesn’t like your kid, everyone is a grown up here except for reporters in this story. Juice just doesn’t want you bothering him. Pull these guys credentials and let them haunt some other city.

  16. >He is insinuating Grant is gay, I guess. I’ve known Grant his whole life and can testify he’s heterosexual. But I shouldn’t have to do that. In the Bay Area, where we all live, Kyle, it’s OK to be gay. Or haven’t you noticed? Are you one of those dumb jocks who thinks gay people have no place in sports or in he-man locker rooms? Shame on you.

    No, Lowell, he’s insinuating that your son has no journalistic integrity, that he crosses both a metaphorical and physical line to get what he wants regardless of what’s actually there.

    The point he’s making is that your son is irritating and violates the expected decency of journalists in the locker room.

    Also: the fact that you think “media” is rooted in the definition of medium that means between small and large is hilariously stupid. It clearly is rooted in the meaning implied in the phrases “psychic medium” or “growth medium.” The shirt size came after.

    I’m gonna go look up the etymology just to dunk on this guy brb.

    Edit: Yup, it means literally in the middle like a psychic medium, from the latin medius.

    >late 16th century (originally denoting something intermediate in nature or degree): from Latin, literally ‘middle’, neuter of medius

  17. “And I’ll tell you something else, Juiceroo. By singling out Grant from all the other media who show up daily at your practices and then appear on game day, it shows Grant got under your skin. Has gotten the best of you without even trying. It shows Grant is on your mind when football should be on your mind 24/7. You lost a contest with Grant that Grant didn’t even know he was in. Dumb jock.”

    Hooooooooooly shit. That is an absolute vortex of corniness. My God

  18. This is so cringey it hurts. Like, I’m obviously no NFL player, but I would definitely bully Grant harder after this😂

  19. Holy cow, I would be so fuckin embarassed if my Dad did that hahaha.

    Hope Juice fuckin prints it and puts it right next to his locker so Grant sees it everyday.

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