This feels forced out.

It feels like Greg was told to say this forcefully. Yes, I know he’s a very good person when it doesn’t come to baseball but saying that he wants to bring a championship to Pittsburgh is just wrong, all Bob wants to do is not spend any money. It we all know this.

  1. Anyone who uses “fake news” as an explanation for anything immediately draws extra scrutiny from me.

  2. So I’ll bite. Nutting LOVED the pirates and wants them to do well. The problem is really that he’s in too much of a bubble and scared of losing his ass if he over extends.

    The amount of charity stuff he’s done and how much he enjoys the home grown players (Keller, Hayes, Reynolds, Cutch) makes me struggle to think he’s actually EVIL (rays, white Sox, A’s). Hell even the Orioles had one good season and the owner threatened to jack ticket prices so the salary didn’t cut into his bottom line. Read up on the Mariners as well.

    He’s not saying that level of shit. He’s at least pretending to try.

  3. Some #FakeNews out there. I happen to know my ex-wife. She’s as good a woman as I have ever met. She’s an excellent wife who fixed my life. She cared deeply about our marriage and wants us to still be friends. THAT is the truth. At least that’s what the judge told me to write every day for a month on Facebook.

  4. I absolutely disagree with Greg on so many of his political views, boomer idealism, and of course his lack of awareness that Nutting doesn’t care bout the fans.

  5. Some #FakeNews out there. I happen to know Andy Haines. He’s is as good of a hitting coach as I’ve ever met. He is an excellent coach who righted a sinking Pirates ship. He cares deeply about watching pitches & wants to players to take a 89mph meatball right down the middle. THAT is the truth.

  6. Spending peanuts is an odd way to show it. Like I understand that ownership doesn’t love to shell out money on the team, but he’s making money despite everything and he still insists on acting like the team is on the brink of financial collapse.

    There is money already there, Nutting just prefers putting it in his pocket instead of investing it in a winning team, the most frustrating part though is it’s just a shitty business move; for every dollar he spends making the team more competitive, he’s going to make 3 back in the form of merchandise, tickets and concessions. People come out to see a winning team. People in the stadium spend money. It really is that simple, and yet.

  7. Cheapest team in all of MLB in every way. Joke of an operation that even their own players laugh at. Nutting is no better than Fisher of the A’s. Anyone expecting the Pirates to change their standard operating procedure is a fucking retard

  8. If I was dying of cancer my pure hate for Bob would keep me alive long enough to see his undoing

  9. So the de facto propaganda arm of the Pittsburgh Pirates (SN Pgh) says something positive about ownership. Color me surprised…

  10. Did I miss something? What even prompted this? Other than the obvious reasons, why even put this out there?

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