The Packers defense made up a bible verse. It’s called Campy 3:16, named after new linebackers coach Anthony Campanile. What does it mean? “God loves those who run to the ball,” Evan Williams said.

The Packers defense made up a bible verse. It’s called Campy 3:16, named after new linebackers coach Anthony Campanile. What does it mean? “God loves those who run to the ball,” Evan Williams said.

  1. Not to be confused with LaFleur 29:17- Blessed is he who possesses the urine of the sun, for he is truly his teammates keeper, and the finder of lost footballs.

  2. I have noticed this year the young guys LOVE swarming around the ball/play. They’re very focused on the play until the whistle blows.

    That’s really rare for young players.

    Our takeaways this year are absolutely ridiculous and Campy 3:16 is probably a big part of it.

  3. Not to be confused with Jordan 18:6 and 7, “In the hour of thy distress, when the EDGE doth rush upon the face of thee: plant not thy feet, nor despair of thy silly body. A tuddy I shall make for thee, if thou shalt turn thy face unto Reed or unto Doubs and air that baby out.”

  4. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.”

    1st Cor 13:13

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