In light of the recent news about who Jerry is potentially talking about selling the team to

In light of the recent news about who Jerry is potentially talking about selling the team to

  1. Yes, this is probably a tactic to try and get public funding assistance for the new stadium like how he threatened to move to Tampa Bay in the 80s, but considering Dave Stewart has ties to Nashville’s MLB expansion efforts and we don’t know if Stewart would commit to keeping the team here and not pull a Seattle SuperSonics, we should still be scared of this possibility.

  2. Hopefully Nashville won’t build their stadium in the sketchy part of town… like the Sox did

  3. if dave stewart moves the team, he will be probably the biggest piece of shit hypocrite of all time after basically implying his group was the only one who could keep the A’s in Oakland.

  4. Sox fan from Nashville here, it just doesn’t make sense. If the city were to get into MLB, Nashvillians deserve to have their own team from scratch to build an identity, culture, and fanbase around. Having a team be moved doesn’t sound like a recipe for success in building a fanbase in a part of the country largely dominated culturally by the Braves (and some Reds, Cubs, Cardinals, etc).

    A move would just bring unwanted controversy and harken back to the Titans-Oilers issue that never really goes away. Speaking of Titans, people in Nashville already are (rightfully) angry at the city agreeing to help fund the Titans’ build a whole new (unnecessary) stadium when there are so many other more pertinent issues affecting denizens’ lives who get pushed by the wayside for the tourism industry. So the idea of another city’s team coming in, one that doesn’t have a strong connection or large contingent of fans in the area, and thus would still have to build a fanbase and stadium from scratch will leave a lot to be desired. This doesn’t even get to the fact that the Sox aren’t exactly an exciting team that would get people to want to attend a game, which is critically important for attracting fans in Music City.

    As of right now, the Sounds have done well in town for decades, and the possibility of an MLB team in Nashville is not out of the realm, but it would serve everyone’s interest and do justice for all if it would be an expansion team.

  5. Stoooooop. MLB has to approve a move. They want to EXPAND the league into NEW markets. Moving the white sox literally goes against their strategic vision for future growth. MLB is incentivized to keep the Sox in Chicago and have them be good.

    All this pearl clutching about them maybe moving is exactly what Jerry wants to create leverage with the city. Don’t like this rotting sack of expired meat fool you.

    The Sox are going nowhere.

  6. It’s inevitable. What would be even more painful than losing the Sox to Nashville is if they remained the central.

  7. Instead of building a new stadium for Jerry’s team we should evict that trash org from Chicago and bring in the Rays.

  8. If the Sox went to Nashville (which they most likely will not) that would be like Surrendering Chicago to the Cubs and that would be the ultimate L for the Sox

  9. Here’s my opinion which I wrote on another post. I doubt Jerry will sell to this group. From my understanding is that they really don’t have the financial backing yet. Their main priority is getting a MLB ownership group that is minority owned. (Cool). Steward cut ties with Music City Baseball last year because of “philisophical differences” (what ever the hell that means). I think his group is focused on MLB ownership, rather that JUST ownership in Nashville. They had talks with the A’s, Tampa Bay, and the Marlins already too, and I wouldn’t be shocked if we heard the same runblings of this group with the Twins. I think Nashville seemed like a good place to try and get the team because they are expected to get the franchise. Even if they did get one, there is no guarantee to would have gone to Stewart’s group. An expansion team costs $2 billion entry fee and THEN you have to spend another billion building the ball park AND finding the land. HERE, on the Southside of Chicago you only have to buy the team! The ballpark is already there. Yes Yes, the 78. I would love to see that built as much as the next guy, but the old ballpark is fine. And a new ownership group could extend the lease at the Rate. You really only need enough money to cover Jerry’s 19% stake in the team. He wants a valuation of $2.5 billion, 19% of that is $475 million. By buying Jerry’s shares, NOT moving the team, and resigning the lease, it cost’s an investor only $475 million rather than the $3 billion for the expansion. A move would cost $1.5 billion, 3 times as much as a lease resign. This is the better deal to accomplish that goal of a minority owned MLB team.

  10. Jerry is not selling. He is bluffing. He threatens to move every 33 years. So he gets his stadium built.

  11. Jerry is just Jerry. They were going to be the Tampa Sox last time, remember. This is total BS. I wish it was true. I wish he would sell. Move, don’t move. He hasn’t cared since 2005. Why would anyone want the worst team in MLB history In their town.

  12. Cool poster! Did you create it, OP? I’d buy a t-shirt and/or hoodie with this on it.

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