Browns Instant Reaction: Cleveland Has Few Bright Spots as They Lose 27-10 to Los Angeles

Players like Myles Garrett on the defensive line were about the only bright spots for the Cleveland Browns as they lost to the Los Angeles Chargers. Adam the Bull reacts as the Browns still search for answers from their quarterback, running back, and general game plan.

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  1. Don’t worry Browns. Most teams have downplayed the chargers. “Their run game has cooled off, JK who, Herbert has no weapons, blah blah blah.” Blowout later, lesson learned.

  2. AB should be let go, 1 for going all in on DW4 , 2nd knowing the O Line deficiency since before training camp and doing NOTHING to solidify it all summer and camp!

  3. The Browns head coach Kevin Stephenski has no self respect who as the NFL coach of the year , two times, accepted to be the lowest paid head coach which make it easy to fire him last offseason

  4. The Browns didn’t want Kevin steffinski back by the orders of Deshaun Watson which against all odds will be back next year the starting quarterback next year

  5. I have no respect James Winston as a quarterback who kept on mentioning god in an interview before the game on every type of question like god care who win and who lose with no important things in life like wars and killing on Christians and Jews and Muslims

  6. I usually tune in to see Greg Newsome the third, first second or whatever's dance moves and as usual lately, I was disappointed. He's got so much rhythm I look for it each week with the patty cake and slappy hand moves along with the hip gyrations and "Saturday night fever moves" whenever, for whatever reason, an opposing receiver doesn't make a catch. LOL. A disappointing day because I wanted to see Greg's moves ………..

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