Thousands of Utah fans line up for jersey sale

Thousands of Utah fans line up for jersey sale

  1. Do they have a release date for the new branding campaign? Guess off season announcement but curious how they’ll turn out. Seattle raised the bar for expansion expectations

  2. This is what Arizona should have been. I’m still glad Utah is working out despite the arena issues. I’m curious how the hype will be in about ten years.

  3. To buy the lamest jerseys I’ve ever seen?  Why?  Aren’t they changing the name in a year or so?

  4. Just to have to buy a new one next year when they actually have a name and logo. Squeeze the fans for every penny.

  5. The first year Utah jersey should have been discontinued anyway. It wasn’t a finished product. Wasn’t even a “mock-up” just plain Jane. (No offence to the Jane’s out there)

  6. It’s crazy they are doing this for a one year place holder. But happy that the team is so supported

  7. Everyone saying “why would you buy it if you’re changing names next year” acting as if a historic inaugural jersey has no meaning lol. Ya’ll would be in the same line if this was in your city.

  8. Arizona branding>>>>>>>>> Utah branding
    Sad how poorly managed the yotes were. Much better name than hockey club. Why not just choose a permanent name from the start

  9. People talk so much shit on these jerseys, but honestly I like them. Im sure the local punk scene is stoked to have UTAH HC jerseys. Theyre clean as hell, cool color scheme. If you LOVE that you live in Utah, and a lot of folks do, then these are perfect.

    The Rangers jerseys are basically the same thing and no one talks shit on those. But also, what will be sick, if they do rebrand, get a new name, jersey etc, these will the the OG’est OG jersey’s that ever OG’d. Like if everyone is rocking a Yetti’s jersey or whater in 5 years and you show up with a fucking UTAH HC jersey, youre instantly and old school baller. I wish I had a LOS ANGELES HOCKEY CLUB JERSEY in random ass colors.

    All that to say, fuck them.

    As someone who used to live in Connecticut I will never not be salty about the Hurricanes, and while I have no opinion on Arizona one way or the other, I cant help but feel bad for them for losing their team.

  10. Not my team but I like to see that the fans are there supporting them! I do hope they keep the name. I like it. Clean and simple. Business in the front – party in the back.

  11. That’s awesome. I imagine all of this inaugural season merchandise will be big collectors items down the road.

  12. I think a team needs a mascot from the get go, no mascot, no identity. That is why I didn’t watch pwhl or whatever it’s called, first game was cool to watch but if I can’t identify with the team, then there won’t be any connection.

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