The Yankees were undefeated in 2024 on days where I pooped 3+ times.

  1. If the Yanks win it all next year, I am now duty bound to call that team the “Laxative Yankees”

  2. Please don’t delete this. It’s serious analysis. Picking 6 random days where the Yankees played and won would be pretty hard, about a 3% chance (winning percentage ^ 6). However, I can identify multiple reasons for this trend, most notably that I HATE popping at work. This results in a 0% chance of pooping 3+ times during the week, and a high chance on Saturday and Sunday. The Yankees coincidentally had a winning percentage over .600 on the weekends, which is more than .020 points above their regular season average 

  3. Thank you, u/Luis_Severino

    Good luck with your ongoing contract negotiations; I’m sure you can use these advanced anal-ytics to leverage a good deal

  4. Buddy, we’re gonna need you to change your diet so that you poop 3 times 162 days out of the year next season. You’ll get some off days here and there, but I promise you it will be worth it.

  5. My man, we’re gonna have you going like a chocolate ice cream machine come October now….

  6. “Should Cole have covered first? Should Rizzo have taken it?Was it Judge?” .. No. Their greatest warrior didn’t hit his fiber intake during the WS

  7. u/constant_gardner11 find this man and feed him nothing but beans and protein shakes starting 24 hours before Game 1

  8. out of curiosity, do you remember what the 4 poops game was? and why you pooped 4 times that day?

  9. How often did the third poop come after the end of the game? What if the Yankees winning just loosens things up for you?

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