1. Literally the next game we lose and Jimmy doesn’t go off…

    “We NeEd To TrAdE jImMy AsAp!”

  2. This is the perfect night to trade him. His value has raise a tiny bit after the Mavs game.

  3. No need to sign it cuz I’m not a wishy washy Heat fan, and all I care about if Jimmy balls out in postseason and we win it all

  4. I’ve been avoiding Starting 5 (netflix) all this time because I lost confidence in our man (that and bec I can’t stand Tatum’s face) but I guess it’s time to stan again.

  5. I never had a actual issue with jimmy on this team just ready to blow this mediocre ass team up

  6. Man we literally competed with each other to lose that game though lol. I hate Jason Kidd so much

  7. So if bro takes on 7 shots next game and isn’t looking to score much. What are we gonna say.
    That’s Jimmy’s only issue. He couldve been the best player in the league but just plays like a second option alot

  8. I don’t need to sign shit. I’ve had a first class ticket on the Jimmy Train and I plan on riding it till the end of the line.

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