Ref shrugs at blatant interference

  1. Nah. King isn’t moving. Dude just skates into him and learns he needs to be stronger.

  2. I can’t believe my eyes. There needs to be a serious congressional investigation about nhl reffing.

  3. OK, this one is kinda dumb to want a penalty. The other player engages him. And dude just shoves him like a rag doll. Not a penalty in my book.

  4. This is like Jack Hughes getting angry he ran into Michael Rasmussen. Next time don’t start

  5. Insane how many ppl think the King is just standing his ground lol he literally takes two steps to the left to get in the way of 24 and then drops him. If you look at the video with your eyes, it helps!

  6. Ottawa defender goes down a bit too easily. I’d call that embellishment before I called it interference

  7. He’s shrugging at the stupidity.

    No one wants to watch a league where that shit gets called. You don’t get to bounce off players standing their ground and get rewarded for it.

  8. That’s why you have a 6’7” motherfucker on D. Go around him or pay.

    Nothing wrong with the officiating. That’s legit.

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