To the guy tailgating people on 99 today flashing his brights and swerving around people with a titan blue vette, and a TITANUP license plate when we were all already going 80mph. You suck. This is titans fans people.

I’m getting really sick of the hate this week. A somewhat dirty hit. (I do think it’s hard to pull up that late.) and now Texans are getting Astros “ChEaTeRs!!1!” Style hate. It’s becoming super annoying. Astros got caught for what so many other teams do. He hit late and rough on a hard to pull off slide, and got suspended 3 freakin games. It’s over. Man I hate the rest of AFC south.

  1. Could be one of the Adams family members. They still live in Houston if I remember correctly.

  2. #FUCK EM

    Seriously though, reddit is such an echo chamber of how people think football should be played. Best advice is to let them all circle jerk it out, and regurgitate whatever bs they see online without forming a opinion of their own

  3. Idk I prefer to be hated by my opponents. I still remember the feeling of being booed in opposing teams stadiums and nothing got me amped and ready to hit quite like that.

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