W Collins …. L NFL

  1. That is some serious BS. I bet that kid in his lifetime is going to generate more than $5k in rev for the NFL. Especially with the costs of tickets, merchandise and TV Subscriptions driven by the NFL.

  2. Wait. You’ve got guys who will chuck footballs into the stands like they’re throwing a Hail Mary, not get fined, but Nico gets a fine for giving a ball to a kid?! Nuk would hand balls to his mom all the time, no fine. The fuck?!

  3. Oh yeah this is exactly why Nico is my current favorite Texan. He’s a standup guy that is elite in his position who clearly loves this team and its fans. Fuck the NFL.

  4. Surely this is not an NFL issue? The teams provide their own balls. Hence, how deflategate ‘happened’ and how kickers and qbs are able to use different balls with different wear. Surely if anyones mad its the Houston kit man

  5. Isn’t that a standard fine for throwing the ball in the stands? I believe it’s been around forever.

  6. No Fun League strikes again, even for the kids in the stands. Good for Nico. I hope he wins his appeal.

  7. A $5K fine for a $100 dollar football…… while they’re handing out $200 million dollar contracts…. seems dumb. Let the guys include the fans for $100 bucks.

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