Not sure if people saw this article today, this was the relevant piece: "Soto later acknowledged during his November conversations with teams that his previous relationship with a superstar teammate — in San Diego with the Padres' Manny Machado — had been difficult, but with Judge, everything seemed to go smoothly."

  1. It’s easy for things to go smoothly when your team is doing well. Yankees pretty well cruised all through the year. The Padres have not had that the last couple of years, with the team running very hot and cold. I’m sure frustrations build way faster in those conditions

  2. Manny has a tough love approach. Its not for everyone. He holds everyone, including himself, accountable. Soto really wasn’t a great fit….

  3. Manny is difficult. Especially when he’s on a losing team. It’s that competitiveness that makes him great… and hard to deal with at times.

  4. There’s a thread on this over at r/baseball and I made some mild defense of Manny and the Padres clubhouse in general, and got trounced and downvoted to hell.

  5. All kinds of reports came out that Soto was late to meetings and the bus, would sit with headphones in during meetings and was seemingly just not all in like players should be. Manny was probably holding him accountable and not catering to him.

  6. The turnaround in results and general vibes 23 to 24 were huge. Not even remotely sad he’s not with us even if it was tremendous fun in 22 when we traded for him.

  7. No one likes a Diva in an alpha dog clubhouse.

    I know folks here like to shit on Melvin when manager yet he wanted to trade his ass out at the deadline…as in fuck that guy, we are better without him. That became true.

  8. It never felt like Soto really belonged in San Diego. There was just something off, for whatever reason he wasn’t a good fit. And I think that carried over to the teams big underperformance in 2023

  9. Meh. Soto is long gone and by the looks of this last season, he was not missed and the team had an incredible turnaround from 2023 when Soto was on the team. Aside from hitting, Soto offers nothing else. Dude is terrible at defending and is slow

  10. This just makes me think more of Manny. He never allowed those tensions to show in a public facing manner, and always advocated for re-signing Soto to the press.

    Dude sets a great example of professionalism for our up and coming stars.

  11. We will not take the Manny slander. We know who our captain is and why he is. Soto is a diva

  12. As great of a player Soto is, he is looking out for only himself. I think this speaks really well to Manny’s character

  13. Soto is overrated and the Padres sucked in 2023 with him Yet all you idiots on this sub where whining and crying when we traded him. That trade was necessary and a no-brainer. There was nothing more infuriating than watching Soto work a walk with runners in scoring position.

  14. Sounds like Soto is a little sentis and didn’t like that daddy was mad at him. Sorry bro, daddy saw right through your greedy ass

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