Vegas gon Vegas.

  1. I can’t believe people are dumb enough to do stuff like this still. Add to it you know he can afford and uber and he knows athletes are always going to catch flack for it. I hope we cut him.

  2. These guys, even “low” salary guys have the ability to have a driver for the night. I don’t get the need to drive while drinking. It doesn’t prove anything except that you’re an irresponsible asshole. Henry Ruggs taught nobody a thing.

  3. I thought the team provides transportation services for all players ever since the Ruggs situation.

  4. Apparently Vegas is the only place athletes can get drunk and attempt to drive.

    You are a freakin millionaire! Hire a damn driver!

  5. Remember that this happens EVERWHERE and not just in Vegas. And people make poor decisions. Let the legal process move along and don’t make assumptions as to what did or didn’t happen.

  6. I only feel bad when its a player I have never heard of…. this will probably ruin any shot he had at sticking around in the NFL

  7. There is no shortage of dumbass professional athletes. Not even remotely surprised this continues to happen

  8. My uncle was right when the news broke about raiders going to Vegas… He said the hardest part about being there now, is going to be keeping the team in line …. Lots of money and they going to be living in an adult amusement park..

  9. Raiders players continue to leave their impression on the community. Just fire any player dumb enough to DUI at this point. I don’t care if it’s even Crosby or Bowers. Enough with the stupid decisions. We’ve already seen what’s the worst outcome that can happen from driving impaired. There’s no excuse at this point.

  10. He’s fucking done; get him off the team.

    After the Ruggs situation in particular, there’s zero excuse.

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