With the likelihood of Schoen and Daboll being fired seemingly increasing by the day, I've been doing some thinking on potential replacements. Not sure about you guys, but my top 2 choices are Ben Johnson and Mike Vrabel and it's not particularly close

Both will have their pick of the litter, but for some reason Vrabel feels a lot more attainable than Ben Johnson, who will probably be the #1 candidate this offseason, and I just don't see why he'd pick our current mess over somewhere like Chicago with Caleb

If we go down the Vrabel path, it's probably worth nothing that his preferred choice for GM is already in the building. Would maybe be a little awkward that Schoen basically hired his replacement– but knowing Mara, working with Cowden since he's been here is probably a huge leg up. Not sure what Bowens future looks like under a Vrabel program, but I wonder if as a fanbase we could talk ourselves into keeping Bowen if Vrabel comes over

Just think this is a pretty interesting angle as Mara would probably think a Cowden + Vrabel pairing is the best of both worlds as far as continuity + still making changes. Fire Schoen and Daboll, promote Cowden, hire Vrabel and keep everything else roughly as is (besides obvious staff changes), is probably Mara's wet dream

  1. I just want to throw Aaron Glenn in the mix. I think he is an excellent leader and players really rave about him. Could bring some discipline. 

  2. Do you realize that Schoen presumably hired this guy? So firing Schoen to promote this guy would basically change nothing. What is the point of that? Why not just keep Schoen and try to hire Vrabel if that’s what they want to do?

    Also Ben Johnson is this year’s Daboll. He may or may not be a good head coach, but his resume alone won’t tell you which.

  3. The Carolina Panthers to Giants pipeline continues lol. But I’d love to have Vrabel as our coach cuz his teams are competitive every year, and if that’s the GM he wants then we should promote him.

  4. In all honesty, I’d prefer a non nepotism based hire and to hire a GM based on Merits and for that GM to hire a coach based on merits.

    Hiring buddies of buddies is how we got to this point. We really need to stop the nepotism at all levels or we’re just doomed to repeat the mistakes over and over again.

  5. I tend to shy away from DCs, as they seldom become long lasting HCs, but Vrabel did a great job in Tennessee with what he had. I’d welcome him to the org.

  6. I hate to be the wet blanket here, but I think we should hold off on these speculative GM/HC hype until we know they are being fired. Alot of people here are going to be disappointed I think.

  7. No more Belichick tree. Mara needs to step away from the Parcells/Belichick tree and hire someone different to run the organization. And preferably a gm who doesn’t think the Giants play in a dome

  8. This is an interesting post, but I think the question we should be asking is who our potential GM’s preferred coach is. We should be hiring a GM first

  9. Maybe we should wait to see what happens on Black Monday before speculating on things that won’t happen?

  10. I’d be so happy with Vrabel. Bring the giants back to pounding the rock and playing solid defense. Let a rookie qb hide a bit behind the run game and build a culture.

  11. Neither daboll or schoen are getting fired I really wish a lot of you would let it go, your really seeting yourselves up to be disappointed

  12. Talk ourselves into keeping Bowen?

    I’m surprised he’s even still with us! I want him gone the most. Yesterday! If that’s what needs to happen to entice Vrabel, he can walk ✌️

  13. What if Giants fired Joe and promoted Brandon Brown as interim and see how he does? He’s gotten a lot of experience at this point I’d say

  14. This is kind of weird. If both schoen and daboll are gone, then wouldn’t they hire a gm first, then have the gm hire the coach?

    Plus, would mara even consider another rookie gm?

    Personally, I’d rather let Schoen and daboll pick their QB this draft and see if they can turn it around. At least it won’t be the Daniel Jones experiment: round 7.

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