
  1. β€œgIAnaSS is dANGErOuS aNd reCKleSs TO oUR PLaYeRS. hE tUrNS tHeM iNTo PRopER bITChES! gIANasS pLZ sTOp” 😭😭😭😭😭

  2. The amount of times people say the NBA is soft and they’re tired of everyone chucking threes but then they hate on how Giannis plays. Can’t please them all I guess.

  3. I remember that Celtics series in 22 where the Celtics just physically dominated the Nets and came into our series bragging about how physical they were.

    Game One the Celtics get completely physically abused as the refs let them play exactly how they asked for and then the rest of the series turned into whining and got a lot more ticky tack…

  4. So on one hand Giannis has no skill, today’s NBA is soft, blah blah blah but then they can’t handle his physicality?

  5. The actual football player Dort was getting a taste of his own medicine and couldn’t handle it

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