FIRST TAKE | Stephen A. predicts fate of Antonio Pierce as Raiders near end of losing season

FIRST TAKE | Stephen A. predicts fate of Antonio Pierce as Raiders near end of losing season
#nfl #cowboys #dakprescott #espn

  1. Raiders are using AP as a fall guy plain as day and it's disgusting you want to hold someone accountable fire lil Timmy Telesco who has a loooooooong track record of being mediocre.

  2. He’s a great motivator of men a straight shooter, and he plays the best players regardless of their role in position. I can stand behind that for another year. I really want to see what he can do with a quality quarterback and a decent offensive coordinator for a full year. The turnovers is the reason why our record is what it is and bad QB play with bad offensive coordinator.

  3. We already missed Jim Harbaugh. AP hadn't even been a DC prior to being HC. We can't keep not taking good candidates because he's likeable but a bad HC.

  4. We have to compete in a division with Andy effin reed and the chiefs,
    Saun Payton and the broncos!
    Jim harbau and the chargers.
    What do we have ??????
    A coach that has no experience as head coach and no quarterback!!!
    It’s going to take Antonio pierce 10 years to get enough experience to even compete with this caliber of coaching and leadership!!!
    I’ve been watching this team get embarrassed every Sunday and every team knows what they’re going to do next play nothing is going anywhere except lethargic looking football!! Mark Davis is a dildo for firing gruden !!!
    Letting mcdildo move on from our franchise quarterback!
    Stupid decision making is sinking the franchise.
    Sell the remaining shares to Ronnie lot , rich Gannon! Hire Deon Saunders and trade for the second pick and then get shadeur Saunders and travis hunter and we are selling tickets again

  5. I like AP, but his game management is terrible. Challenges when he shouldnt doesnt when he should, doesnt take timeouts when he should and 4th down calls are terrible too.. i dont blame him entirely, but ultimately he needs to go. Promote patrick graham, and find a goodnyoung o.c.!

  6. First to call out?
    Wtf is Stephen A even talking about?
    Have you seen the Raiders this year.
    AP isnt calling anyone out from play on the field.
    Except maybe Jones & Adams.
    AP still has less winscthan McDaniels.
    So why didnt Stephen A wanna keep McDaniels.
    Because McDaniels is white.
    If Stephen A wasnt such racists he would tell the truth.
    They both are terrible head coaches.

  7. the guy is a clown! he just took the job on a woke push! he doesnt even have a good highschool resume !! some little months of a lineback coordinator under josh mc genius!!in nutshell, he just had financial troubles so he took the opportunity to solve his problems by pushing woke media and running to fans and do media things and chanting "raiderzzzz" like a diehard fan to buy cheers for his plan!! now he has excuse of tanking! next year same time he will push the excuse of rookie QB,, so raiders are stuck with him till mid 2026 until mark davis realizes what a big mistake he made to go woke… this team has been going down since grudens regime left!!!

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