Bertuzzi goes Tonya Harding on Huberdeau

  1. Huberdeau sneakily pops Bert’s helmet off, I think that’s why he turns into Paul Bunyan.

  2. This is why I cuss at other Hawks fans who ride his nuts. That shit he pulled on the bench years ago and then shit like this, I can’t stand this turd being on Chicago’s roster same as I despised Perry for the little time he was here. We don’t need shitasses doing shitass things like this.


    Hawks are under extra scrutiny for every little thing already, gotta have guys on roster to can act right.

  3. I can’t stand Bertuzzi but let’s not pretend the Flames weren’t running around taking dirty shots at Bedard and Nazar’s heads.

    If Huberdeau and the Flames have a problem with it, tell them to talk to that dirty shit Pospisil first. Live by the sword and all that. Maybe if he hadn’t turtled after the second attempted concussion this wouldn’t have happened.

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